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Bear Arms and Protest

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Since I'm not a fan of futility, I'll refrain from saying much more about this topic. But before I go:


1) I'm not certain where you were educated, but MOST of our founding fathers were honorable men. Owning slaves was an acceptable practice, and even at times a Biblical one. And not all of them were alcoholics....water supply wasn't as clean as ours is, cultural differences, etc. However, adultery is a different story. John Adams, George Washington, James Madison, Patrick Henry, George Mason, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin. ALL these men were GREAT men. And as Winston Churchill said, all great men have great faults. But that says nothing to their purposed debate and reason.


2) We are in a war of words, lets not bring firearms to a Presidential rally that inflame minds and hearts of the radical left. I'm aware that only God can convert their twisted minds, but there are plenty of average citizens out there that would be interested in reasoned debate that tuned out and were turned off when Chris B stepped on the scene with his "assault weapon".


2) We all know Glocks and AR's are perceived differently in minds of the uneducated populous. Education should be our goal with this population of dimwits, not toting around already "scary" firearms. To do so continues to attach a further "Waco,TX" stigma to these types of firearms. I would have said Ruby Ridge, but while Randy Weaver was considered to be a "gun toting nut job", he was only convicted of missing his court date. And that was due to a bad attorney.


3) This was a healthcare rally. What is the point of bringing a NEW debate to an unrelated debate? What I mean, and what you misinterpreted was this: I am incredibly aware that the gun debate has been going on for a long time since I've read all the supreme court decisions pertaining to the 2nd amendment (I intend on going to law school, and would like to work for the legal branch of the NRA). But the gun issue had nothing to do with what the rally was about. Stick to one issue at a time.


4) Go rally with firearms for this: Another 2nd Amendment Lawsuit




4) It's sad to me that I've been told over and over that I'm "hiding", "in dream land", and "Not standing up for our rights", since it's obvious that is not what I'm about, or who I am. Don't doubt my dedication to the country our founders created, and people like my big brother have fought to keep free. That's a presupposition you are in no position to make.


Since we all believe we are right (I know I do ;) ), I agree to disagree on this one and let things be. It's as futile as banging your head against a wall.


Best Wishes,



P.S. TAM, my boyfriend is on your side on this debate, so date nights have been interesting :D


+1 on this and several others (minus the boyfriend part)! Just my opinion.

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The 2nd Amendment is and has always been about protecting ourselves from a tyrannical government. It has nothing to do with hunting, target shooting, sport, etc.


The First Amendment gives us our basic civil rights of free speech and free religion, etc.


The 2nd gives us the means to keep those rights. The order of the Amendments was not random.






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there are many ways to make a point and to me as a god fearing American how loves what this country that was not the right way

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I don't care if the guy showed up with a gun; I'll bet a lot of ignorant folks got educated about state laws and constitutional rights. And it's OK for them to find out - it ain't a secret.

Hollywierd has been shoving the gay agenda down this country's throats until about half of us think being homosexual is normal. It's called desensitizing, and it's working.

Where I work, we used to bring in weapons for show and tell. Over the years, leadership began to frown on totin' guns to work, so we stopped. About a year ago, a new guy from New York City was listening to a few of us discussing firearms, and he interupted, "You mean you guys actually own a gun?" We answered, "No, not a gun, GUNS, I have about 10 of them; and the guys began his reluctant and astonished education. He hasn't changed his views about guns, but at least he knows his views are contrary to the constitution and state law.


I've been tellin you guys from the beginning that Obama is a communist, and now the country is (slowly) finding this out. He wants to change this country all right. You guys think these "Health Care Rallies" are health care rallies?! Try loosly disguized Communistic take-overs. Y'all keep being politically correct, we won't be allowed to have guns.

I don't care if the guy showed up with a gun.



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