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this mornings antelope scoutin trip

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well i took off this morning to set a camera up on a tank. finnally got the guts to put it out. its not locked up or anything. kind of placed it under a rock. probbably the easiest to steal if they find it. oh well hopefully the are ethical people out there. so after the camera i spotted a good buck across the way and in the opposite direction i glassed a small buck. we drove up the road and got out to get a closer look, not knowing what would happen we lleft the camera in the truck. as we located the buck he saw us so we hid behind a cedar, my puppy (who i got from a cw member), my puppy stepps out and three more bucks step out making a total of four. i assume they thought she was a coyote cause here they come. we hid behind my pup and the tree and the four bucks got to within sixty yards!!! found my new decoy haha. we only had a cell phone at that time to get a quick picture before my pup started barking. out of the four there were two bucks i would shoot. we went to the truck and grabbed my camera through the binos on the tri pod and started snapping pictures, these arre them. hope you enjoy them!!!!


bucks right over my pups head



zoomed in off camera phone, bout sixty yards










the rut is coming!! ha ha


my pup mailey from a CW member




buck #1



buck #2



i like #2 the most so far, what do you guys think? i have an archery tag




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Nice pics Kevin.


That middle buck is going to be a good one in a year or two. He's not bad as it is right now.


Do you have a tag this year?

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that's cool. I just went Lope scouting with my friend from Cali who drew a 19B tag with 5 or 6 points. He had his lab with him too.


We saw very few bucks and nothing of any size.

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i have an archery tag, thats why them bucks look so good. on my fourth archery tag with the antelope beating me, 0-3. i got six days and now that i can take some vacation time its on. two weeks off to hunt! never imagined it

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Shoot me an email when you get a chance. I might be able to help you a little on your hunt.



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Nothing is nicer than being able to get a close stalk on some nice pronghorns like those and definetly better than heving them crash you on your Quad when they bust out right infront of you 11 strong because some plane spooks the Chit out of them and they decide to run you over ....

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60 yards like that is pretty darn neat!


Good luck on your hunt

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