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Lost my job today

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Hang in there partner. I know two guys I go to church with that were laid off. One trusted in God and got two good job offers. It took a few months though. I was off on surgery recovery for 5 months for a fusion surgery. I was getting 60% of base pay only. Don't get me wrong it was better than nothing. My wife doesn't work. I still tithed and we always paid the bills. The math didn't add up but the savior sure did. Not trying to get too personal. Just a word of encouragement. Mal 3:10

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I am so sorry! I sure hope my messed up loan had nothing to do with it. I know that you trust the Lord and have faith that he will take care of you. I will be praying for you and you family.



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Thank you all for your words of encouragement and some excellent leads and pm's!! I really appreciate it. You guys are the best!


Gino, You have no idea how much I'd love to get out of the valley!!



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Still going at it hard. I was offered a job with Bank of America but it was withdrawn as my background check was not completed in time for the training date!!!! I couldn't believe it! This was after I had gotten my fingerprints done and filled out all the new-hire paperwork.


Any more leads would sure be appreciated. I'm really needing something with a Salary + commission. Not 100% commission like most Mortgage based jobs are.





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