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Last year TAM and I got pictures of a 90+ buck both w/ and w/out velvet coming into some salt. This buck has pretty good main beams, average eyeguards, a split g2 on his right antler, and a better than average g3. Lately I've been wearing down some pretty good boot rubber trying to find his sheds. I invited Josh Epperson to go shed hunting in this area to see if we could find this bucks sheds hoping also to learn a little from this shed hunting master. I kinda figured we wouldn't find this particular bucks sheds just because the terrain is so thick and it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. To my amazement Josh found the right side to this buck w/ the split g2 and offered it to me. I declined saying it should be his since he had found it and once again he insisted that I keep it since I had pictures of this buck. I just want to publicly thank josh for his kind act of helping me hunt for this bucks shed and then unselfishly giving it to me. Josh is a genuinely nice guy with integrity and an amazing woodsman. I would recommend him in a heartbeat for anyone looking for guide service.

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Good deal TREESTANDMAN! Glad you have the shed to go with your pics. Nice of you to publicly recognize Josh on this as well.


Kudos to you Josh, for showing this common courtesy & respect to your host. Too often, an offer to join someone in a 'secret hidey hole' is paid back with greed & dis-respect. We all have stories of sharing information, only to have the recipient either tell someone else about the spot, or just utilize it themselves with no regard for the original 'finder'. Nice example for the rest of us to follow for sure Josh..... :blink:





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That is too cool! Did you learn some new helpful techniques from the master? Sounds like lots of fun. Hope to see photos of the shed soon and photo of the buck attached new antlers soon after that. Congrats to you both.


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Great job to both of you guys, and TREESTANDMAN very cool to let everyone know how Josh helped you guys out.

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That's great!! You will have to send me the pics to post! Thanks for letting us know Treestandman.


Josh is a very generous guy and a pleasure to be in the field with. He has excellent eyes for spotting wildlife and antlers or skulls or whatever else is out there. Josh, thanks for helping out Treestandman.



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TAM took some pics of the antler w/ his digital and said he would email the pics to you Amanda. He will also be emailing 2 live pics, one in velvet and one hard horned. :blink:

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i think that if i were to recomened a guide for az coues. the two names at the top of the list would scott adams and josh epp.and not necceryly in that order. i could then her the storys and see the pics.if i draw a dec tag and those two have nothing to do"which i doubt"it would be steaks and all the trimings and all the beer they could drink after the 95 inch buck hits the ground. :D

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This shed that will be posted soon has got some good mass indicating a fairly old buck. I'm hoping this year he will jump the 100 inch benchmark. The funny thing is that in both pictures we got of this guy in velvet and hard hardhorned he appears quite thin-horned. The actual shed as you will see appears much more massive.

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I can't hardly wait to see the pic's. Also I think that so cool that you and Josh went shed huntin together, it must of been a blast :D

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Those are some great pic's. Were they taken with a stealth cam?

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Did you guys find any other sheds while you were out?

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