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HOW....a hunt with 150 tags and I am 151

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It was 20B Muzzleloader hunt and it had 150 tags total, and when the leftovers came up there was 10 tags left, so I threw in for it with my third choice and got tag number 151. How? I guess it is the new building.........

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Hmm.... Interesting. Probably should call G&F if you really want an answer. ;)


I think that if there is a situation where there are only 2 tags left, but an application with 4 folks on it comes in, they will generally issue tags to all 4 therefor exceeding the prescribed number by a couple. Maybe several other hunters put in on a single application just before yours? Maybe the '1st come 1st served' thing for the left-overs leaves them with a little lattitude? Again, if you really want an answer you should simply call the G&F.


Sounds like there are some sour grapes over the new building! :lol:





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Stanley I really doubt they allotted extra tags to fill a 4 person application.

They have rejected many people because there were 4 applicants and only 2 tags left

for a particular hunt.

Main reason I always put in alone.

I can not explain it but doubt that is the reason

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Yea, I guess I can't definitively explain it either Gamehauler. I was just speculating.... Just trying to brainstorm possible explanations.. That's why I said that if he really wants to know, he should call the G&F.


elkhutnaz; Call the G&F!!! Let us know what you find-out!







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It's happened before with javelina tags, my sister and roomate and a friend put in for a hunt that had 3 leftover tags, 2 of em got the last two and my friend got the one tag 301 out of 300 tags total, we figured since they recieved apps at the same time they'll hand out one or two extras

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