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How to stop (or decrease) trail camera theft.

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here is how you can stop it. put s sign on it stating that if you mess with it you will set off a hidden 12 guage that will blow a big ugly hole in ya. if you really do want to buy a cheap 12 guage and really do it, well that's up to you. thieves are thieves. if you nailed a bucket o' $h!t to a tree and put a lock on it, somebody will steal it if they see it. like the guy who got his locked glued. who the heck is gonna pack around super glue in the woods? some jackass that is gonna steal or vandalize anything he comes across, that's who. they needs their asses kicked, a bunch too. and then they need their name splattered all over the place. the only thing that stops stupidity is pain. Lark.

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must be a bunch of O'Bama voters out there roaming the woods looking for trailcams. They need to punch themselves in the jaw then throw themselves on the tracks in front of an oncoming Santa Fe.

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Guest 300ultramag.

If you bought a TSA issued lock wouldnt that make it a federal offense for tampering.

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I've decided not to buy another camera unless it has a digital passcode on it -- as everyone on here can attest, if a thief wants a camera he will take it.


What I want is for that camera to serve no other master but me, and for that thief to never see the photos on it.

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I've had two cuddeback cams stolen in the last year, both had passwords. So at least the POS who stole them can't use the cam but could still look at what was on the card. Being able to encrypt the photos is a good idea. Now I'll only put a cam where people don't go or place them where it won't be seen. Respect your attitude about the situation.

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wonder if you could put one o' them paint bombs in em like they put in bank robbin' bags? Lark.


I totally thought of that yesterday while I was walking back.... permanent bright blue paint, I've got an old cam that the flash is busted, was thinking of taking the shell and inserting a loaded paint canister without a timer...

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Id rather use skunk extract or something like that, but I would settle for blue paint. Wait.....maybe mace, yep mace it is! Not only would he be worthless for a while he would have heck tryin to walk out

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Dang straight post it

That is exactly what we need to put a stop to this crap.

Getting this guy questioned will not put an end to it and they will not press charges since they can not prove he did it but it is a good start.

Please provide at least the unit so folks there will pay more attention to his face.

We have to start fighting back anyway we can and you have a tool so YES, post it

He!! email me the vid and I will post it from a outsider stating so so you are out of the loop.

Need to get it out for all to see Please

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For all teh talk, I have never seen a single photo posted of a thief or vandal. On ce they realize that their mug is on the recoding media, they are gonig to take the camera. Perod. There are a lot of bluffers on here.


If I ever catch someone taking one of my cameras, they will wish they had never stepped in the woods that day--maybe best I never catch them!

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For all teh talk, I have never seen a single photo posted of a thief or vandal. On ce they realize that their mug is on the recoding media, they are gonig to take the camera. Perod. There are a lot of bluffers on here.


If I ever catch someone taking one of my cameras, they will wish they had never stepped in the woods that day--maybe best I never catch them!


That's not exactly right. I posted the pics I got of the people that stole one of my memory cards last year.....didn't seem to help but it was worth a shot.


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I have been fortunate and have not lost one yet even with several picks of hunters.

I hope I never do but know some day it will happen :(

I have changed my plan on how I set them up and most of the time there are 1 or 2 on trails leading to the spot that are well hidden hoping to get the perp.

If I do lose a cam and have pics on another the FIRST thing I will do

is post his ugly, thieving mug on every site I can.

Why are people so afraid to post a pic of cow dung :(

He/She stole from you, money out of your pocket, lost what you put it there for.




Sorry guys, that is a thorn in my side :( wait till I loose one :rolleyes:

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I just went up to check my camera on Thursday. My lock was superglued. He squeezed it inside the lock and the who think was completely wrecked. I was using a super heavy lock and chain system so I was unable to even get my box down. I used a tire iron to break the box and retreive my camera and it was scary how easy it was to break in and get it.


I happen to have a video if the guy as he look up from the water hole, sees my camera and shakes his head...he was pi$$ed. I really don't know what to do with the video as I had a 5 minute delay set so I don't have him with the glu in his hands.


If they want it, they'll get it. This guy didn't want it, he was just pissed. I'm considering posting the video to see if anyone knows who he is...he is most definately a hunter or guide.


I don't want to get in trouble for posting it so I probably won't.


what an A$$!








I believe we went thru this same scenario, recently on this site.


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First I always Hide another cam way up in the tree so if they do get through the bear box and cable then I have their picture. BEAR BOX AND CABLE is one of the safest ways to go and Amanda sells one for the covert 1 and 2 in the store and you can also get them for all the other cams just get on Ebay and follow the link out. Sorry for your loss I just wish everyone can see a cam and wave and leave. Just my 2 cents.

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