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Good problem 2 tags

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O.K. here is a good problem. I drew a late 36c tag for rifle, but naturally I will be out bow hunting on the opener. I dont know for sure wether I can hold off arrowing a buck if he is over 85" type buck. What does everyone else think? What would you do in this situation????????? Allen Taylor............

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just set your goal at 100 inches or bust on archery because you have a backup later with rifle,and also do you want velvet or hard horned bucks.

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a 85 inch coues with bow?? are you kidding me!! I'll take it right away!! If I dont.....well.....there is your second chance.


Ernesto C

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Me personally would take an 85" archery buck over an 100" rifle buck any day of the week.



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December late coues hunt- I'd hold out for that hunt , unless a TOAD presents itself with the archery equipment. There is nothing like the cool, crisp mornings of the December hunt! When will that tag come along again? Could be years... Jan will be here before you know it.


Good Luck!



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Me personally would take an 85" archery buck over an 100" rifle buck any day of the week.




I will second that one!! In fact, if I don't arrow a buck in a few weeks, I am going to try using my archery gear during my October rifle hunt.


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December late coues hunt- I'd hold out for that hunt , unless a TOAD presents itself with the archery equipment. There is nothing like the cool, crisp mornings of the December hunt! When will that tag come along again? Could be years... Jan will be here before you know it.


Good Luck!




I would have to agree with Doug on this one! Of course I've also shot a couple of bucks with my bow so I might be a little biased.

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I killed a 91" deer with my bow last year, and donated my rifle tag to a charity. Granted it was an early rifle tag, but in my opinion nothing beats harvesting an animal with a bow!

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Allen that is definately a tough call. I would probably shoot a mature buck with my bow if the opprotunity presented itself, and if your boy doesnt have a tag you can sign it down to him if you are able to harvest a buck.

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I have never killed a buck with a bow...but I have the same problem. The only way I'm nocking an arrow is if that thing is wayyyyy over 100 inches...I have waited 5 years for this December tag :rolleyes:

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It is a great problem to have. I hadnt thought about what Christian said, signing my tag over to my son. Anyway, I am pretty sure I will hold out for a monster on my bow hunt, something pushing 100" and if that doesnt present itself, then plan on the dec hunt. It really was a rush last year killing one with my bow, so I dont know if I will be able to resist pulling the release on a mature buck.............Allen........

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It is hard to beat the satisfaction of arrowing a buck. It would be difficult to beat the satisfaction of seeing your son tag a monster on the December late hunt too. I would personally take a good buck with your bow, given the opportunity and sign that sucker over to your son. Set a mark on what you would be satisfied with in regards to a bow kill, and wait for that opportunity to present itself.


How long has it been since you've drawn a late hunt? How many in your life? Does your son already have a tag? All good questions to consider.

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A bowkill for me is a huge trophy. It's very rare that everything comes together for an archery coues hunter but when it does it's magical. At least from my experiences. And a velvet buck, even rarer. If you do archery hunt and you cant pass the temptation to arrow an 85" buck, then i highly doubt youd regret it. Arizona hunting regulations are slowly changing year after year, so i personally take advantage of any season im granted to hunt. And august/september is actually a great chance to harvest a toad. The bucks are alot more relaxed. They are more vulnerable to a stalk at this time of the year than any other time of the year. No does around. They spend alot of time out of the cover of thick brush during daylight hours feeding and just meandering around. Running away wasting energy is the last thing they feel like doing. Theyre in bachelor groups, sometimes containing more than one 100+ buck. And theyre in VELVET!!! What more could you ask for. But it really comes down to what a trophy is in your eyes. Would you prefer a big 'ol hard horned buck on your wall? Or would you prefer a mediocre velvet buck killed with an arrow and a broadhead, knowing that you had to stalk within bow range and do something that many hunters dream of doing. It may be years before you draw another dec. tag, but it also may be years before you harvest a velvet coues, so choose wisely. Either way, i'm envious of your dilemna. Good luck with what you decide to do. And don't regret any deer kill, unless you hit it with your truck or your wifes mini-van. ;)

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I would spend the time you were going to archery hunt out scouting around for your December tag. As of now, you can get a archery tag every year, but how often does a December rifle tag come along?!

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Me personally would take an 85" archery buck over an 100" rifle buck any day of the week.




I will second that one!! In fact, if I don't arrow a buck in a few weeks, I am going to try using my archery gear during my October rifle hunt.



But would you take an 85" archery buck over a 110" rifle buck?



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