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game retrieval w/ horses any interest?

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My dad and i were talking last night, about what kind of interest there might be with hunters in offering a "game retrieval" service..... we raise and break a lot of horses and would kind of like for some of them to earn there feed if you shot an elk way off in a remote area somewhere, we could go in and pack it out, for example. We would not be interested in trialing or helping to find, but mearly you take us to your downed/gutted/quartered animal and we load it up and haul it back to the road/truck..... what do yawl think? would anyone be interested in anything like this.

drop me some thoughts, would be interested both good and/or bad on such a thing.



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Usually theres some guys offering the service in payson on the elk hunts they run up there in november early december. I would think you could do pretty good up there if enough people knew you were gonna be up there. I know a few guys do it on foot too.

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I have horses and one is a seasoned packer. Very handy with access roads continuing to deminish. Especially in the more remote units with extremely limited access. It may be worth following up on!

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I'd be interested and probably a good idea. Have you thought of or have any idea at a price? Or is the knowledge of where we took our game the $$$$$$ :lol: :lol:

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Its a great idea, especially helpful for us older guys with bad backs :lol: If I am lucky enough to get a bull on my November archery hunt in unit 27, I will certainly look for someone with horses in the vicinty that would pack it out for a fee, depending on cost?


Shooting a bull in that country even 2 or 3 miles from the nearest road creates a tremendous chore in getting him out before any meat spoilage occurs. It can take one man, 2 days or more, of hardwork to pack out an elk in that country depending on distance.


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Fantastic Idea! When you get up and running, send your info, and if I ever draw a tag, I will hit you up.

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Shooting a bull in that country even 2 or 3 miles from the nearest road creates a tremendous chore in getting him out before any meat spoilage occurs. It can take one man, 2 days or more, of hardwork to pack out an elk in that country depending on distance.



No doubt this is a true statement. The hardwork is an understatement if the elk is a couple of deep canyons in. I would be interested to know prices. If you have any idea, post em' up, or, send me a pm.

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yea i know everone is worried about someone finding there honey holes, no way around that, but really how often is someone else going to draw a tag in your area and go to your spot....


anyway i dont have a clue how to charge for this yet, of course it would depend on how far, how long it took and all of that kind of stuff.



drop me a line if your enterested, and when your hunt is, i'm about 60 miles form your area depending on where exactly you hunt, i have ridden 27 and the blue LOTS, so could give ya a hand, hauling him out for ya.....


i'm more located to do unit's like 3a/3c, the 4s, 1, 27 ect..... those are the closest to me anyway...... would just take longer to get to some of the others...


would also be iterested on price/cost ideas

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The area I will be hunting, will be below the rim. I will send you a P.M before I go hunting and get your phone#. I can't get cell phone signal in that unit except up by Alpine.


The last time I hunted elk up there in 2005, I talked to some wranglers up the road aways and they said around $200 to pack out an elk depending on how far in it was. But they did not have to drive very far with the horse trailer, so you would consider your gas expense and at least a good hourly rate for yourself to make it worthwhile.


The November Archery bull hunt is November 13-26, the general rifle hunt starts right after that. I will be up there for the 2 full weeks, if my plan holds together. In that country, I rarely get more than 5 miles from a road or trailhead.

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maybe you could charge a certain amount per mile, or weight of the meat or amount of horses required. i have no idea on prices cause i never looked into that stuff but just an idea

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My Father in-law has a 27 nov. Bull hunt, I know the Blue and other areas off the rim are the spots but I dont want to pack it out. Id love to have youre info so I would be willing to take him in those areas.

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my info is

Tommy Hancock

home phone is 928-536-9159

cell is 928-243-8652

my e-mail is



if i can help ya let me know and we can work something out. i've always got a trailer full of horses, 6-8 at anyone time on the place, and 3-4 that i have packed on before and the others i can ride in to lead those out with, if you have a gps that would be good to as i can insert the cords and we can ride right back to him with out spending time looking for him (the elk that is) :)

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