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Free Tractor Tire! Yeah, a TRACTOR TIRE!

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At some point, my roommate found a tractor tire and it followed him home. Well, maybe he rolled it home from a few blocks away.


So, what we have here is a big ol' tractor tire. It stands about 5ft tall. It has holes drilled in the sidewalls so it won't collect water and become a mosquito breeding area.


Things you can do with this tire include:

-Make a sandbox (the kids will love it as much as the neighborhood cats)

-Build a ramp in your back yard. Then have someone climb inside the tire and roll it down said ramp. (yes, this has been done. I got a concussion. I do not recommend trying this unless you like a pounding head)

-Have on friend get inside the tire, have them hold on tight, and then have a second friend get in. Two average adults can fit inside it (while a couple more idiots hold it stable). Then have your idiot friends roll the tire until it hits something (again, you may become concussed), or until they stop the rolling pain machine. (I will not explain any more experience in this area)

-You could even fill this agricultural masterpiece with dirt and make it a small garden/planter type contraption. (Sounds pretty, doesn't it?)

-Finally, you can drive an old Jeep over it while whipping shitties in your back yard with two flat tires. (Yes, this was also done. Alcohol may need to be involved to accomplish this option)


I really do have to recommend the sandbox as the best option, but that is up to your own discression. I take no liability in any way for injury, damage, expense, divorce, nights on the couch, etc, that this tire may cause. It has been a blast having it around, but the time has come to part ways with this beast.


It is FREE. I will help you get it in the back of a truck or on a trailer. I will not deliver it. I will not help you tie it to the roof of your car, unless you absolutely want me to. Keep in mind, I'm ok with breaking things if I won't get beaten or taken to small claims court. This tire is big, heavy, and fun as heck. Please email if you have any interest in acquiring this beauty.


The picture is recent. I'm not trying to pass off someone else's tire as my own, nor trying to hide that the tire has put on weight, or been deformed in an accident since taking the picture in a desperate attempt to unload her on an unsuspecting person in search of tire. I'm just not that type of guy. The picture was taken within minutes of creating this ad.


Thanks for looking, and if my tire doesn't work out for you, I hope you find the tire of your dreams. Isn't that what we all deserve anyway?


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This is too funny... I was just talking with my wife a week ago mentioning that now that our son is 3 and getting big enough to have some cool toys we should get a tractor tire and bury it half way in the ground so the kids can play on it.


Growing up in MI on a farm everyone with kids had one of these in their yard. Needless to say my wife, a Tucson native, gave me 'the look' of what are you nuts?


I'm going to have to revisit that as I figured what are the odds of coming across a free tractor tire.





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:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm from MI too. Here's a pic of our western Michigan back yard in the '70s. Notice the half-buried tractor tire in background. Between that, the rickety 'monkey bars', the home-brew tree swing and the lawn darts, I'm surprised none of us were horribly injured. But then again, that was before children's car seats, bike helmets and safety glass. I think it's what made us strong. ;)


Thanks for the memories.





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Ahh tractor tires... I remember as a child in Phoenix probably around '76 or '77, my buddies and I, drug a tractor tire to the top of Shadow Mountain (just north of Sweetwater Rd. and 24th st) this is no small feat and took the better part of the day. But how awesome it was to watch it roll/bounce all the way to the bottom.


Try and do that with your PS2 and Wii's.

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