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Dont be afraid to throw the snake on a grill. Awesome that way. Garlic the heck out of it, put some pepper... Good to go!

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My dad faked me out as kid....told me it was fish :huh: ...sure was good eat'n... ;) For those that dare not touch,gut,skin


the Pointe at South Mountian have a plate with your name on it!!!!

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Here's a better picture of that mojave rattler. My wife showed me the "enhance" feature. Anyway you can see his color much better here, enjoy:


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This has Cornville written all over it.


Haha what's up Jake! Funny, I never ate a snake when I was in Cornville, it wasn't until I moved to the city and working on a doctorate that I started eating reptiles. Go figure. Give me a call one of these days, find me some big bucks ;)


Never eaten snake on my own(had at dinners before) is it hard to cook? have to marinade or anything ?


No it's easy. I didn't marinade either of them, they have a very mild flavor, no need to marinade in my opinion.

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Not much man, just living the dream. Congrats on the doctorate. Next time I head to Tucson or Sonoita I'll give you a heads up and maybe we can call some dogs or find something to wing some lead at.

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the only snakes I like to see are DEAD ONES........................ellllllahhhhhhhehaehhehah.......I hate coming across rattlers. As a Kid I about sat on one out hunting with my grandpa and he wouldn't shoot, givin all he was carrying was his 30-06. scar'd for life.

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