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Hate crimes

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Yesterday our liberal senate pulled a fast one. They attached hate crime legislation to a defense bill. We gotta pass the defense app. bill to support our troops. It will pass even without republican support and we don't have a man with balls in the whitehouse to veto this thing like we did the last time they tried.

What is a hate crime? Basically if I beat you up, I am facing an assault and battery charge. If I beat you up and you simply tell the authorities that you are a homosexual, now I am charged with a felony and prison time. But it don't stop there. This legislation will spill over into speach. If I bad mouth a homosexual, or peacefully demonstrate at a homosexual event, guess what? Felony and prison time.

What's next? How about a preacher reading the book of Romans, or Leviticus in a church; reading the Bible where it concerns homosexuals? You got it - hate crime.

McCain stood on the senate floor yesterday and called the move a sham. He called it a complete mis-use of the democratic process.

I have changed my mind about Obama after talking with an older German American man at an art show recently in Pine. I asked him if he thought Obama was a communist. He said no, he is not a communist. He is a fascist. Had to look it up. I believe he is correct

We are in big trouble my friends. We are worried about the person in front of us whispering something about anti-hunting, when we all have a big 4 x 4 aimed at our heads from behind in mid swing.


America bless God



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I have changed my mind about Obama after talking with an older German American man at an art show recently in Pine. I asked him if he thought Obama was a communist. He said no, he is not a communist. He is a fascist. Had to look it up. I believe he is correct


Funny, I worked for a little old German lady a while back who said the same thing. She grew up in East Germany, and told me she knew very well the difference.


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for the people by the people is it not what this county is founded on i have to be honest with everyone i dont see that any more things are so scary that i feel like i dont have a say in anything


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I think a lot of people are getting to the point where they just don't care anymore because no one is listening anyway.


Sad and Scary all at the same time.

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you feel like that and i feel like that but there are people out there that are making there point and its the extrem left

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