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Performance Contact Lens

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I had lasic just to get away from contacts and glasses, If the price was right I could see someone that already wears contacts using them.

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How long ago did you have lasic ? I had it about three years ago. I had to use artifical tears for two years. I have had mixed results with the surgery. My main problem is in late evening glassing my vision starts to fade. Low light conditions in the morning does not seem to be bothered. It may be from the eye fatigue of glassing on and off all day.


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I like the idea, but i already wear contacts. I wear the day and night and leave them in almost a month at a time. They are the best i've worn so far.

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I had mine done about three years ago also, I have not had to use eye drops aside from the first few weeks and when it is really windy. It has worked great for me so far, I have a few co-workers with the dry eye problem, one of them had the doctor put plugs in her tear ducts and that has helped her.

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Sounds like the price will be reasonable since they stated the price will be comparable to regular contact lenses. Interesting article. Until the night version is ready I don't think it will help hunters much. Night, Low light could really help. I have the most problem in low light so I would consider anything that would help.


Too many years of non-protected vision in AZ took its toll on my eyes. I had cataract surgery last year and overall I can see better than before the surgery comparing no lenses to no lenses, but my "corrected" vision before was slightly better for close up and slightly worse for distance than my uncorrected vision after.


I may consider lasik to improve my close up but hey, when you hit 40, your eyes go on vacation and your arms get too short to read. I guess I am in a large group of similar plagued people.


Thanks for posting the article.

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i had lasik about 8yrs ago.and have good days as well as bad.very sensitive to differant light conditions.and how much rest i get,its not for eveybody.and the dry eyes i learned that if you use fake tears your eyes will never adjust to your new eyes.just dont give your eyes fake tears and you will adjust to it. and that worked for me.just my.2 cents worth

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Well, you guys just talked me outta Lasik. I'll just stick it out with my contacts. Good post, and great advice. Thanks.

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I'm with CHD.been thinkin' about lasik but after hearing these guys talk I'll stick with my contacs as well. I might try these new contacs once they get out on the market since my job covers contacs and glasses.



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Two days after my lasik surgery, I shot ten dove with twelve shells. It was well worth it to me and even the people I talk to say they would do it again if they had to.

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Todays Lasik is much much improved over even just a few years ago. The cuts are made more precisely and it's all controlled by computer.

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I think your right about not using the artifical tears. The longer I go without using them ,the less dependent I become of them. I also have good and bad days. I am 42 and I did notice that the natural loss of up close reading was accelerated.The doctor told me this could occur. If I Had to do it again, I would have second thoughts.

Noel Arnold

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I had lasik about 3 years ago and have had no problems........I have no negative feelings about the surgery and dont care too much about my reading problems that are starting to creep up. I just love now being able to see distances and the view is pretty crisp............Allen......

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well even my all complaints about it. i would still do it again.and i paid about 4000.00 for it.i was just giving my pros and cons about it.it also depends on how bad your eyes are before the surgery.the less you need it the better the outcome.i would recommend it though.sure beats the contacts and eye glasses for hunting.i dont miss the fogging glasses in the cold dec mornings or the breeze and dust that makes the contacts wearing a nightmare. do any of you guys that had lasik have a problem with sitting behind your glass all day? the only thing that i have a problem with is when i stop glassing my eyes take a while to adjust.

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