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First Coues Sheds Of Year

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Well, I took a half day shed hunting trip to one of my favorite areas and found three sheds. Nothing very big, but it made for a good day. The smallest one on the left is a fresh shed, the other two are a year or two old. Thought I would share. Thanks.





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Treestandman just got some pictures from a trail camera back on Saturday and one of the bucks had dropped a single antler. Looked to be pretty fresh because his pedistal was still brigt red. There was one other pic with a deer that had a pretty good size body with no antlers and tarsal glands on his back legs (his ears were in the way so you could not see the pedistal's) so I'm pretty sure he had dropped as well. All the other bucks were still packing.

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Very good finds Standman. I'd like to get out this Saturday and try to find the sheds of a couple of bucks we've gotten pictures of.

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Way to go standman, I cant wait to get out there and find some sheds :D

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Boy I wish I had some free time. :D

Work is really a 4 letter word this month and next so I don't think I will get out till after the areas have been scoured by others.

Keep me in the loop living vicariously though everyone's finds!

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Freakin sweet!!! I'm jealous totally jealous!!! Anytime you can go in the woods and find at least one Coues shed, it's a good day. Right on man!

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