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The 3rd annual Dove shoot

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Ok Guys and Gals With the blessing of Amanda(thanks)


I would like to invite any and All CWT.com members to the 3rd annual benifit dove shoot( all money Rasied will go to hold Jr. Deer and Javi camps)


it consits of 2 person team,


Each team may check in 20 birds(limits per azgfd)




1 pt for morning dove

2 pts for whitewing

3 pts for euro dove


ties will be determind shoot off using clay birds


Winning 2 person teams win a Pheasnt hunt to Desert Pheasant Rec. for 2


Cost is up to you how ever much you wish to Donate to the Jr. hunters,


Door prizes, Lunch will be served (hamburgers and all the fixins)


The shoot will be held on Sat sept 5th in WIckenburg area, There will be a camp set up on Friday nite with a potluck cook out.


a 50/50 Texas Holdem Tourny to follow after Dinner on friday nite, a 20.00 buy is asked, 50 percent goes to the kiddie for the benitfit, 50 percent will be givin back out as prizes, number of places paid is up to how many are in the tourny.


a Shot gun will be raffled off after the shoot on sat. the 5th of sept.




Its The Arizona Hunter .com Dove challage. Sponsored by CABELAS


The .com challage will consist of a 4 person team from each .com hunting site. the winning team will Take home THE CABELAS CUP. along with all bragging rights for there .com site for a year, then they will have to come back the next year to defend THE CABELAS CUP. There will also be prizes for the winning .com team


Scoring is the same as the reg team event, and shooters can shoot in both, but only 4 shooters with 1 alt may sighn up the the .com challange,


you can follow the following links for more info and sign up,



Use this link to sign up for both reg 2 person shoot and your CWT.com team






Amanda Thanks again for your support



R L Gray

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