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Grandpa's 1975 Coues Buck

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This has been something I've wanted to do for a little while now. Growing up I always was hunting with my Grandpa. He was really the one that got me into hunting in the first place, taking me every year for squirrels with the rimfire. I always saw all his mounts in his garage and didn't really think anything of this buck. I didn't even really know what a coues was. I thought a deer was a deer.


5 years ago when he died we put all his old mounts in storage. 2 years ago I went and pulled them all out and put the good looking ones on my wall. One day a buddy came over and said "Hey, that's a pretty decent coues." Ever since that day my interest has been progressing. I took the buck to a taxidermist buddy and he scored it at 90 5/8. Not too bad I suppose. Grandpa also did all his own taxidermy work. Still holding up after 34 years! He learned from a guy in Phoenix named Jeff Seevers. I completely attribute my new found interest in the grey ghost to my grandpa's 1975 coues buck. Miss the old guy.




Here's his tag that's taped to the back of the mount.




The Score Sheet from the taxidermist




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Nice reflection of your grandfather. I miss mine as well. I really enjoy some of the original old-school pics of coues!


Thanks for sharing.



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Thanks for sharing. As I type this I have one of Jeff Seevers mounts hanging above my head. He was the best around. His mounts still look good and it was a shame how Jeff died. He was a good old boy. You were blessed to have had your Grandfather to teach you how to hunt. I was fortunate to have the same. :)



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How did jeff die my dad used him years ago as well good guy from what he said about him we have about 4 seever mounts in the family

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Yes I agree! That's a treasure! Thanks for sharing your grandpa succes with us King4wd.


Ernesto C

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How did jeff die my dad used him years ago as well good guy from what he said about him we have about 4 seever mounts in the family


If I don't have this right please feel free to correct me. Jeff and his wife was traveling north of Roosevelt Lake to visit a friend and came to a bad place in the road and tried to make it thru. They ended up rolling their vehicle down over the hill killing Jeff and his wife crowled out and went for help. That's about all I know of the story. Jackshoe can probably fill us in a little better on what happened. I have a couple of his mounts and his work was outstanding. :)




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That's pretty much the straight story TJ. Jeff was on the road off of Cherry Creek that goes into the dagger ranch. That was when Steve Smith lived there and Jeff was going into the ranch to visit with Steve and do some catfishing where Cherry Creek runs into the Salt River. The road was narrow and sloped toward the creek-Jeff had a big camper on his truck and it was top heavy-He rolled off the road and was killed. His wife walked down to the ranch and got Steve. Tragic story. Jeff was a great taxidermist and an even better guy.


Ted B.

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That's a great story and makes the deer that much more meaningful to put on your wall.


I just showed this thread to my dad because I thought the name of Jeff Seevers sounded familiar. Jeff did a shoulder mount for my dad the year he died. It was actually finished after Jeff died. He took it to Jeff because he knew of him from touring his shop when he was in Boy Scouts.

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