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Any Archaeologists here?

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I'm no archaeologist, but it doesn't look like it was buried by people (look at the sediment layer above the skull).


Definitely a find of a lifetime.



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State and federal laws govern what you found. I'm not certain whom you need to call, but I'd try the Arizona State Museum offices at the University of Arizona and ask the curator to point you in the right direction. As NRS said, the site and its history need to be preserved.


Bill Quimby

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The light colored sediment is humped over the body simular to how it would be if it was a burial and the dirt put back but not compacted the same.


If it's a ruin the Forest service is the one to call if on public land. Be careful, digging in a ruin or even taking a shard is a federal offence, unless on private property.


If you really want to know the answers find an old time digger, they could look at that and in 5 mins tell you who, what , where and when in detail with history.



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Hi Amanda.... thanks for the update..... depends on where the site is.. Public land?... Forest Service?.... a whole lot of people I know would love to get to examine it... Some of the Archaeologists will throw a fit that you moved anything in any way. A call to the governing land agency is step one... Based on the harsh life that was a reality in the older west, none of this surprises me. Could be an old burial site, a death scene, or even a simple wash down from higher up the stream bed. The skull seems very small... who can tell... Get ready for all kinds of government questions... I have found burial sites in the past as well as some teeth... humans... Reporte4d to the Apache Sitgreaves and left it alone after that... VERY INTERESTING DISCOVERY... Bonus point J

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I called it in to the Sheriff, they sent a detective over and asked questions. Now they want me to take them to the site, so after I grab a quick shower...I am off to show them.


Will keep you all posted. I was half tempted to not report it at all so the thing wouldn't get disturbed, but oh well, it might be important.




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That is some freaky stuff there amanda! If I were in the same situation I would literally crap myself.



BOO :ph34r:


TP Please


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My Grandfather was one. He dug up an INdian once that was over seven foot tall. In the leather pouch he found some beans. We planted some of them and they grew. We now have hundreds of thos beans in jars from over the years . I wish i was one (I am one at heart). Please get someone out there soon i want to know what they have to say. I am sure it is very old. And by looking at it this way the rest of the body is gone from the head.

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Awesome find Amanda! Hope it turns into a really historic find and they name the site after you or something!! ;) :D

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Well, I spent the afternoon out there with the Sheriffs. They were pretty convinced it was human at first because they started looking around and found teeth that sure looked human on the ground below the skull. They also found more bones just left of the skull in the wall, not sure what type, sort of like rib bones. But as they painstakingly cleared dirt above the skull to look down on it, we were becoming less convinced it was human. I still can't really tell what it is, but it's look less humanlike to me. There are some thicker suture marks that fork off that one you can see above and I think that would be the top part of the skull. The jaw seems too long, but if it's broken and shifted it could be the lower jaw? It's really hard to say. I just can't figure out what it is yet and I have looked at lots of skulls of animals.


They only barely got it exposed more today. Took quite awhile due to trying to avoid breaking it. The sheriffs are headed back up there in the am. They should be able to solve the mystery tomorrow. I am very curious. They both thought it had been there a very, very long time. Animal? Human? The mystery continues.


I will add some pics shortly.



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Some pics....


1st is another overview of the bank with a wider angle than before. Check out the light colored layer and how it bulges up over the skull. Thanks for pointing that out KRP!





closer view




And notice the suture marks and how they seem to bulge up near the top. This is taken by pointing camera up while under the skull. So it's oriented as if the skull is upright. You can see the eye socket.



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Looks like whomever it was, left their camera case in the wash too!!



I'm interested to hear what the sheriff dept says.


Thanks for the update!

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Very interesting stuff......almost as good as Lance's post except we really don't know how this one will turn out!



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Definitely looks like it is human, most larger mammals have a more elongated skull. The human tooth is unique in shape if I remember my biology correctly, and would be the only thing with a tooth shaped like those in the pictures. Hopefully the deputies will get an archaeologist out there with them tomorrow to assess the age of the site. The depth reminds me of the depth that the mammoth kill sites in the San Pedro valley are buried, and those are about 11,000 years old. Most more recent native burials are more shallow than that.

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Amanda, did you inspect the area above for evidence of foundation rocks or pottery shards?


The Salados buried pretty much as we do today, 5 to 6 ft deep, laid flat. The Hohokam were cremation and put in a pot not far under the ground. The ones above the rim and north were flexed, bent at the waist and put in a deep hole with a slab of rock over the top of the body.





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