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Storm Destruction

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A very nasty monsoon storm struck our property today. We could see a wall of white advancing down the canyon toward the house. It hit us hard with hail and gale force winds. We could see our lawn chairs being blown into the canyon. It wasn't until after the storm had passed that I noticed our camp trailer upside down on the hillside. Pretty much totally demolished although I may be able to salvage the frame to make a utility trailer. Now what to do for the boys elk hunt in 2 1/2 months.


















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Ouch! Sorry to see/hear that... Mother Nature with a heavy hand! Glad you're okay. Good Luck



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Yup that was a nasty storm Scott we ran into it headed to work in the blackhills



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Ouch!!! Is it insured?

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I don't know you Scott but i can tell you are a good dude--i have a trailer at my house that you can use if you need one. I live in he--ll--or i mean Phoenix but if worst comes to shove let me know. I don't think i am using it at that time.


PS--you can not park it at your place though!!!! :D ;)

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Wow that is unreal! Hopefully there is some insurance to help recover some of the loss.



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Glad you weren't in it Scott.


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What a bummer of a thing to happen. Glad everyone is alright. :huh:





ps.....what unit did your boys draw?

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Thanks for the comments. Everyone is ok. Thank goodness no one was in it. It was an older camp trailer, a 23 footer. We were going to sell it after the elk hunt and upgrade to something a little nicer. No I didn't have insurance on it so I'm just out the trailer. The house fared well during the storm. All 46 windows are intact. Thanks for the offer to borrow, we'll see what I can come up with between now and the hunt. The boys drew Archery Bull in Sept. unit 27.

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Sorry to see that. I would suggest checking your homeowners insurance to see it they would cover part of the loss. I had some wind damage on an out building (Tuff-Shed) and my homeowners covered it. It may extend to your trailer. May be a long shot but may be surprised.

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Man Scott thats crazy! Glad everyone is OK thought. We had some strong winds come throught the other day too, might have been the same storm, but it wasn't that strong!! I would agree about checking with your home owners insurance......worth a shot!



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Gggssssss Scot!! I hope you did not had any Docters, Swaros or rifles in there. Good luck to your boys in 27.


Ernesto C

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