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Outdoorsmans medium length tripod

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SBD's question is fair - I'da put it in a pm though so it didnt make the item more difficult to sell...


but cjw is right about Outdoorsmans products - they are life-time and pass-on-to-kids products... not intended for average optics... but if you have $2k in a Swaro or other glass - some are willing to spend top dollar to protect and enjoy that investment for endless glassing hours.


If you are ever in Phx near Cave Creek and Dunlap - stop in and see Terry or Steve and check out there stuff. I'm a believer!




Not to be cynical but,


What makes that a $500.00 dollar tripod?


American made?

Special materials?

smoothness of head movement?


I know it cost alot new, but what is the quality of it over a Manfrotto/Bogen setup?


Why spend on that when I could get a carbon fiber setup that is lighter for less?


Not to be confrontational but my family has extensive time with Outdoorsmans products and you while you may pay a premium for their products, you also get a lot in return. My dad bought the first generation tripod (anodized green) and beat on it for years. He took it in one day to be cleaned because one of the the legs was squeaking ever so slightly. Instead of cleaning and prepping them for free as they usually do, they replaced it on the spot with a new model. We then both had the newer black tripods with aluminum clamps. They began to get a notchy feeling and we took them in and the guys there replaced all our clamps with a newer model for free.


They may not be the most affordable or lightest or carbon fiber but the fact that you have fantastic local support from real hunters is hard to complain with. I will be a loyal customer for years to come because I know they are a loyal company.


Bump for a great price


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They do have nice tripobs, I bought one, and it is great! They do have top notch stuff

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Prices to high for something not even that important.



HAHAHA! More important than your rifle! Makes me wonder who is out killing coues deer and who

is a home making a 1000 posts?


Fair price, someone should snatch this up.

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Hey Amanda - arent there rules about crapping on people's classified ads? Maybe this guy needs to make a house or truck payment - doesnt necessarily need your commentary



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I agree with them being pricey, but you usually get what you pay for. Picking up a used one at this price is great. Look at this Outdoorsmans medium tripod with rifle attachments. 812 yards and best of all extremely light weight. When I archery hunt I'll be using it without the rifle attachment. Not sure where the bad words are coming from, I like mine.




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Prices to high for something not even that important.



Sometimes it is better to just keep your mouth shut but I can't stand it on this one!


A good quality tripod is one of the most important pieces of equipment one can have! It can make middle of the road optics good to great, it can make great optics even better and more efficient, it can increase the amount of animals spotted and increase the effective distance one can glass, and most important to me it can really help in judging an animal before I take off on a stock. Anyone that has used one knows just HOW important it is.


I am sorry Coues Archer but your statement couldn't be further from the truth!

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