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Saltwater Fishin' Trip!

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Howdy folks, Manny (mjmhunter) and I just got back from a 3 day fishin' trip and had an absolute blast! It was nice to take a break in scouting and finally get my first saltwater trip under my belt!


We were on the boat last Tuesday evening and didn't step foot back on land until Friday night! It was rough for the first 12 hours or so but the Dramamine helped a lot and I never got sick thankfully....still having a hard time gettin' rid of the wave effect right now though! The food was incredible, the boat was big and comfortable and the fishing was outstanding! Here's a few of the pictures and just a few of the 450+ fish that we caught between 18 guys! Enjoy, JIM>
































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Here's some more pics.....
































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Awesome pictures Jim! So how about telling us land lovers what all the different fish are?



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Looks like a great trip - thanks for taking us all along with you! Great photos too - I love the one with the gulls!

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Looks like a great time. Did you guys have to look high and low for the albacore? Looks like you hammered the yellowtail!, there are some big ones!


How far south did you guys go? I take it the big red fish (not the sheepshead or rockfish) is some sort of a pargo? (snapper)


thanks for the pics!




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My work doesn't allow me to see the pics so it's going to be another looooooooooong hour before I get home and see them. :(



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My work doesn't allow me to see the pics so it's going to be another looooooooooong hour before I get home and see them. :(




Just got home and couldn't wait to open a beer before seeing Jim's pictures. Looked like a great time. Thanks for sharing Jim. :)




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Thanks for the reply's!


That eel thing is a Morey Eel. I caught that while fishing with a live squid as bait. The deck hands definitely didn't want it aboard but I was able to swing it over for that one pic! It was one un-happy critter about being hooked and was writhing around just like a snake, I was told that it was a rare catch. You can kinda see my hook is in his lower jaw and there is still the tentacles from my squid on the hook, his teeth were more impressive in real life than in the pic!


The red fish are Vermillion Reds and we caught several species of other red rock fish, I really can't remember all the names. We did catch a bunch of Sculpin which have poisonous barbs all over that were cut off before bringing over the rail, the fishing was really fast and furious so I never got the time to get pics of those or the others. The other fish we caught tons of was Whitefish, some Bonita, Lingcod and Calico Bass.


We were very fortunate to find the Albacore Tuna, I think we were the first boat of the season to do well catching them. We caught the Tuna at around 110 miles offshore and caught 23 of them. We got into the big YellowTail at around 130 miles out and caught 39 and lost quite a few because of the lighter tackle we were using. The Barracuda were a blast and you can see the biggest one that Manny is holding, but fortunately for Manny, he had the only surface iron (topwater lure) and it was the hot ticket as he caught half of all the 'cuda's on the boat....he wouldn't share that lure with anyone...even if their life depended on it! :P I think we caught 24 Barracuda's and a total of 455 fish all together for the trip....not including the ones we threw back!!!


My other exciting catch was a huge Sea Lion that took my anchovie and almost all my line! I set the hook in em' and held on as he hauled butt away from the boat. He was jumping just like a dolphin while trying to shake the hook and fortunately the line broke at the hook just before he stripped my reel completely. Those dang critters are a serious problem while fishing out there and so are the seagulls and scuba chickens. We were constantly having to un-hook birds and re-bait or re-tie hooks because of the birds and seals, very frustrating to say the least!


I just had some of the rock fish for dinner tonight and it was awesome.....pretty rare for me to like fish, but this stuff ain't exactly "store-bought" either! LOL! Thanks, JIM>

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Still Green with envy Jimbo!!! The pics are Great!!! Glad you and Manny had a great trip!! Hope you were planning on hookin' me up with some of that fish you don't like!!! ;) :P

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Those rockfish are some good eating.

Looks like a fun trip.

Don't know how Gino would fare in the swells, since he said he is turning a little GREEN :unsure: .



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Those pictures are just AWESOME! .Very cool scenery and very artistic with the pictures!!! Looks like a great trip! Thanks for posting! You gotta love all the variety!



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