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Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

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I would love to but to rich for my blood at this time.

I have changed my dream hunt to a more a more affordable

NM Oryx since I will never be able to afford a Dall Sheep hunt :(

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I'm in the same boat as elkaholic. I would love to but can't. A couple years ago when real estate was going good I would have jumped all over this.

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Curious on the dates of the season...are the three months August September and October?

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Curious on the dates of the season...are the three months August September and October?


Jack normally the season starts mid to late Nov. and runs to the first week in Feb. but I am not sure of the exact dates this year but I'm sure it's pretty close to the same.




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Usually it is from or around November 24th to February 8th. I will post the exact dates later.


Ernesto C

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Usually it is from or around November 24th to February 8th. I will post the exact dates later.


Ernesto C


Thats what I thought...and after re reading the orginal post maybe a guy is allowed to start scouting and all that good stuff begining in August? Three months to scout and three months to hunt...thats a good deal

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Thats what I thought...and after re reading the orginal post maybe a guy is allowed to start scouting and all that good stuff begining in August?



Yep you got it.



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