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Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

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We are looking for two good honest club members for a coues deer lease in sonora mexico. The ranch is 30,000 acres and has had very very low hunting preasure on it for the past ten years. The lease is $2500.00+$250.00 for your gun permit. With this you and 8 other club members get full access to the ranch begining in August,2009. Club members will be able to hunt a unlimited amount of days during the season. This means you get almost a full three months of hunting. This ranch is 3 hours south of the douglas port of entry.If you are interested please give us a call at 520-384-3351 or 520-404-5114







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That coule be interesting. I would need to see pictures of the quality of deer from the ranch, not just the property.

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hello - I guess the question I have is there any added fees to hunt the ranch - Most ranchers want 1000- 1500 per tag fee - thats a guides cost - whats included in the $2500 + 250 X 9 gun fees - for 9 people to have access to the ranch but does that include any tag fee's - last season some ranchers wanted upward to 2500 per wht-tail tag fee ---- Just askin -


***some of the area I seen 3 hrs south of douglas was --- AWESUME --reminded me of the area south of Patigonia -- Gary

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No hidden fees you pay $2500.00 + $250.00 for the gun permit. This is not a business prop for me Im doing this so I can lease the ranch and have some where for me and my kid to hunt also.

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I'm one of the club members and can't wait for the time to come to head down! As most of you know Steven knows big coues deer (and for those of you who don't just check out his pictures) so it should mean something when he's going to hunt the ranch himself.


Come on Casey don't be scared. :lol:



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hello - thanks for the fast reply - For anyone interested in hunting Mexico- I'm sure this is an outstanding chance to have a great huning trip. . Opportunities like this don't come along to often - Thanks for offering such a hunt to the members of coues wht-tail --

If not for my current unemployed (8mo) statis. I'd like a chance at a trophy coues from Mexico .




p.s. there is one more item that they must have -- a passport

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Sorry I will not disclose the name of the ranch . Only members will know this. it has to be this way to protect the Lease, as im sure you are aware good coues deer ranches are in high demand.

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That's sounds awesome. I would jump all over it but I'm pretty much in the same boat as elkaholic.

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How many deer are you allowed to take during that time frame?


One deer per tag. The $2,500 is for one tag and of course plus the $250 for gun permit.



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How many deer are you allowed to take during that time frame?


One deer per tag. The $2,500 is for one tag and of course plus the $250 for gun permit.



You get almost 3 mounths of hunting...That to me sounds like one hella hunt ;)

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Come on desertjntr you and I both know that a club member would be someone that has paid their dues. I dont think the name really matters the ranch has been hunted once in the past 10 years so Im sure you would not know of it. All I can say is nine bucks were harvested on it last year to include a 118, 111, 109 and the others were high 90's to low 100's . these hunters only had five days to get it done, just think what we could harvest in three months of hunting .

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