Several months ago Amanda sent me a DLC Covert II trail camera with a security box for testing and a performance review. After putting it to the test I'd like to report my findings.   I have used no less than 10 different trail camers over the years and this camera is by far the smallest one. It measures about 3.5 inches by 5.5 inches. It runs on 4-8 AA batteries, has IR-LED for night time use, no flash to spook game, 3 MP or 5 MP image capture, Video capture, and it runs on SD cards. I was also provided with a metal security box to keep it safe while in use. The security box is professionally made to fit the camera and screws and locks to a tree using a python type lock.   The DLC Covert II sets up a little differently than I have been used to with an external remote control keyboard that plugs into the camera. The remote walks the user through the set up process which, after reading the instruction manual is simple and easy to do. After customzing your user settings you hang the camera on the tree and flip the switch to "On" and you're good to go.   I set the camera out for two months so I could get a good "real life" test on battery life. Upon returning I found that the batteries lasted 37 days and took 1,380 pictures. Approximatley two thirds of the pictures were taken at night with the LED's drawing more power. That's a lot of night time pic's on 8 Duracel AA batteries! I could only guess that the camera would last closer to 60 days and 2,000 pic's if so many of them weren't at night.   I honestly haven't spent much time using the Video setting. Partly because I haven't had the opportunity and partly because I prefer the picture settings. For my next set I will probably give it a try.   Overall this camera is different than anything I've ever used before, and I mean that in a good way! It's smaller which will hide it from dirty thieves better. It's got a reasonably fast trigger at under 1.2 seconds. The 24 LED's really give it good night time range. It also has sensitivity adjustments, time and date stamping, and excellent battery life. It seems to be constructed well and comes with a 1 year manufacturer's warranty.   The only possible negative I can come up with is that while the security box is good and solid it kind of gives the user a false sense of security. I know for a fact that a cheap pair of bolt cutters will cut right through the python lock that holds the box/camera to the tree. The bottom line is that if a dirty theif wants your camera, security box or not, they're going to get it. ALWAYS HIDE YOUR CAMERAS!   The only suggestion that I would make to the DLC Covert guys is making a way to enter in a unique securtiy code into each camera so that if a sucky thief does end up with your camera at least you will sleep better knowing they can't use it without knowing the security code.   These really are great cameras! If anyone has any questions please feel free to post them up or PM me.   Thanks Amanda!   Here's a few pic's. I never did get any monster deer or elk, but these should give you an idea what the picture quality is like. That deer in the first picutre is probably 25-30 yards from the camera, I was impressed with it's range!