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Dog Arthritis

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I think my mute is starting to get a touch of arthritis.

She moves pretty stiff after sleeping a while and stretches

more than she used to.

She is only about 5-1/2 but is there something I can do

to releave it and slow its progression down?

Trying to avoid a trip to the vet so any input would be great.



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You just posted a dog question in the Sticker Sighting sub-forum..... are you intoxicated.....again???? :wacko: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :P

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Not again. Still intoxicated. HAHA :lol:

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No! I am still looking for the (Around the Campfire forum)

and until I find it I will post this type of stuff in the most unlikely places :rolleyes:

I knew where I was posting it ;)

Tell me Gino where would you have put it :unsure:


Now about the help for my dog?

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :P


Well I'da thought of something..... :rolleyes: :P




BTW.... Glucosamine does work and you can buy it at the feed store by your shop I think.... a one pill a day regiment will have your dog feeling better in no time!

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straight aspirin is the only over the counter med safe for dogs... tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen (aleve) are all very dangerous. Dosing depends on weight.

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Glucosamine works great on dogs, and my vet said it is safe. Use it every day, toss it in with the food. Costco has the cheapest.



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I have a golden retriever thats 15 years old. We were givin him dogfood with glucosamine for a few years when we noticed his hips botherin him. The past year and a half or so we have been givin him Rimadyl. We never use the full dosage only 1/2 a pill every day to every third day. Works pretty good for him. His eyes and ears have gone before his hips. He snuck up on a thirst buster cup in the driveway the other day. He thought he was gonna get him a rabbit.

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There is another drug called Zubrin that my vet prescribed for our old dog. It's a daily pill that is supposed to help with inflammation and be a lot safer than Rimadyl. It seemed to work great for several months, but then didn't seem to help. The vet said sometimes the arthritis proceeds to get bad enough and the zubrin might not be strong enough to help. But you might try it for your dog if you just need some moderate help for arthritis.




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