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hello - even though i can't stand to watch this moron speak -i may have to start-- i guess he was agin intent on buying his thoughts and policies - Something needs to be done to stop this power trip !

i read this and wanted to pass it on-this is a summary and a reaction-


"Obama made his speech in Egypt this Morning...He talked about giving Millions and BILLIONS of Dollars to all these foreign Muslim Countries If they embrace certain Ideals , Millions of dollars in Scholarships for foreign students to come get an education in America...So while Americans are suffering from this "depression" he wants to give away Taxpayer Dollars like a drunken Sailor in a House of Ill repute...

You cant keep printing More Money on a "Trust Basis" and keep giving it away on the Backs of Hard working Americans without something coming back in to the treasury for very long , Because Collapse and Bankruptcy would be inevitable...Trust only goes so far.


Hillary Clinton slammed George Bush for going to Saudi Arabia and trying to get More oil produced to Lower prices on Barrels(Begging)...I wonder what she has to say now that her "Boss" did the same thing.(begging) "


American's need to wake up before it's too late! Gary

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America wake up?! Are you kidding? America voted this guy in and LOVES this man. Watch this guy get the Nobel Peace Prize.

Does his love for the Muslim people surprise anyone at this point? Why shouldn't he offer billions in scolarships, he has already made it possible for us (the US) to pay the world's abortion bill - one of the first things he did and nobody flinched. Bush brought our national deficit to an all time high (because of a war that liberated 2 countries, ousted an evil dictator, and gave us a military presence in a troubled part of the world - where the oil is), where Obama's "stimulation package" AND bailouts are gonna times that by 4!

GM is 60% owned by the government and nobody fought it?

It's all about a one world government. That is Obama's "Change". He said he would "fundamentally change this country", and he's gettin'er done!

You see anybody waking up? No really, you see anybody waking up?!

We are now a nation that doesn't know our history. The average voter doesn't know where we have come from, what we have done in the world and for what reasons.



Utter confusion.

But GOD is still on the throne and is allowing these things for His purposes.


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well put Mike.


I hope four years of this b.s. is enough to get this man out.


A few weeks ago hes telling college graduates not to go for the brass ring. Now hes on foriegn soil pledging millions so others can come here and grasp the brass ring?


Hes telling us that america needs to break its oil habit by converting to solar and wind power. Then tells the world that Iran needs nuclear power?


And yet the general population is far more concerened with how his "date nite" went.


I just dont get it.

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PrezBHO... Nothing good can come from him and ayone that believes it can is mentally unstable or brainwashed.


Right now the CBO says that 1 of every 6 income dollars is coming from the government. Guess what folks, that figure is not sustainable. The taxpayers cannot support the liberal programs that pay you not to play!

2010 the inflation heading our way will make 10% unemployment look like a day at disneyland.

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