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Coues 'n' Sheep

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I didn't know that you could buy land in AZ for the price of 6 salt blocks, sweeeeet :D I wonder how many salt blocks G&F would want for a December Coues' tag? :rolleyes:



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  coues7 said:
I'd find another place to hunt.....the guy sounds really serious. If he's taken the time to salt it for 6 years apparently he it's rightfully his area. Even if it is public land he's enhanced it for the wildlife thus "giving" himself rights to hunt it. :blink:



hello- Sorry - i hope this wasn't how it was meant -- rightfully his area !? That alone would have my hackle up - ok it's only archery deer - but bottom line - nobody can lay claim to a specific spot just because they hunted the area in years past . - ok - you compromise and move on- how many times are you gonna be willing to move on !




ok - being sacastic- figures but some people think that way !

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  elkaholic said:
  coues7 said:
I'd find another place to hunt.....the guy sounds really serious. If he's taken the time to salt it for 6 years apparently he it's rightfully his area. Even if it is public land he's enhanced it for the wildlife thus "giving" himself rights to hunt it. :blink:



hello- Sorry - i hope this wasn't how it was meant -- rightfully his area !? That alone would have my hackle up - ok it's only archery deer - but bottom line - nobody can lay claim to a specific spot just because they hunted the area in years past . - ok - you compromise and move on- how many times are you gonna be willing to move on !




He's just being sarcastic


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Im guessin since I see his vehicle in the pic next to the water its really close to a road. If not...ok, they've already broke one law, but besides that, I think this should not be a suprise if your gonna hunt water, especially that close to a road. It seems pretty dang rare to find water that someone else hasnt already "owned"

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  elkaholic said:
  coues7 said:
I'd find another place to hunt.....the guy sounds really serious. If he's taken the time to salt it for 6 years apparently he it's rightfully his area. Even if it is public land he's enhanced it for the wildlife thus "giving" himself rights to hunt it. :blink:



hello- Sorry - i hope this wasn't how it was meant -- rightfully his area !? That alone would have my hackle up - ok it's only archery deer - but bottom line - nobody can lay claim to a specific spot just because they hunted the area in years past . - ok - you compromise and move on- how many times are you gonna be willing to move on !




ok - being sacastic- figures but some people think that way !


Oh I'm being sarcastic alright......one side of me totally agrees with TAM.....the other side of me (if the guy leaving the note was serious) would show up just to set the guy straight.




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Coues n Sheep this is the advice you gave me a couple of years ago and I think it was good advice. I am happy about how things turned out in my situation. But I do have to say the hunter that I had to deal with did not have the attitude that this guy does and didnt give me the feeling that he thought he owned the woods. Good Luck.



" I am thinkin' that you might try moving another 1/4 mile up the trail (or more) and pick a new spot to do your hunting. I have had plenty of guys move in on me and spots that I have hunted for years.... It is really disheartening to feel presure from other guys that want to set up Right on top of you. It really doesn't matter if you hunt close to his lick or not..... but to hunt On his lick would be rude.

Another member of this site had a very well established lick with a stand on it, but because he lived an hour and a half away he did not hunt it as much as we do.... so knowing that it was an area that we wanted to hunt we went a bit further down the ridge set a stand and killed two bucks in two days there...... that other member can chime up if he wishes, but we are friends today, in part because of hunter courtesy. We respected his space. We all own the forests, hence the "Public Land" term, but there is enough to go around people just need to respect personal space and the effort that someone else has put forth. "







"Aim Small.....Miss Small"


"Don't Throw Stones In A Glass House!"




Lets get Bloody!!!!!


East Side MGS.... Nothing but the Best

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i think that since the guy was so pissy you need to show up to hunt, show him he cant demand that you do this stuff, plus, doesnt the more salt just make more for the deer, more reason for them to want to come in?

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Call him! Things can almost always work out. If not find out where the deer come from and set up shop between the water and cover. ;)

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WOW! folks are getting pretty ballsie out there!...few years back a guy put up a road block using logs and yellow caution tape on a forest road and left a note saying he was on stand so the road was closed...YIKES


Call him see what he has to say...just seems very arrogant and ignorant to me...think I would find some lion pee in a bottle and sprinkle it around HIS AREA a bit :lol: Knowing it is PUBLIC LAND there is no way in a million years would I ever tell someone they couldn't be there no matter how much work time or money I put into a spot...that is a chance you take when doing that

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I say that you should just call him to discuss it. VERY hard to understand completely where someone is coming from through just written words (at least without the benefit of 'emotion icons'... ;) LOL). The guy left a note, big deal...... At least he had the balls to leave his phone number, which likely means he would be willing to talk to you about it.


Until you talk with him, I wouldn't waste much time presummng and/or assuming his demeanor & intent. Who knows, maybe you'll end-up with a new hunting contact with other good information???


Good luck!





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how is he going to know that you are the one with the game cam? I would get there super early opening morning and set up my blind and hunt away!! Many times I have planned on hunting an area and had to go somewhere else because someone was hunting it already. No big deal. I would never leave a note like that and if I saw one I would disregard it totally. It is first come first serve, so unless he has figured out a way to claim public land he cant call hunting rights!! Especially because he may be one of those cool guys who posts several places and then never even shows up to hunt it!! I say hunt it whenever you feel like it. ag

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It wasn't to many years ago there would have been

only one thing you would have done and I must say:

I'm proud of you :rolleyes: :P

If it is the guy I met several years ago that drove right

past my Quad that was parked above a tank I was

hunting and busted the Elk just as they were about to

step into my shooting lane I think he will work with you.

I believe his name was chris and was a teacher from the Valley.

He just does not have all the ethics things worked out yet.


Agree with the others and see what he has to say.

Then you will know how to handle it

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great post cous n sheep... I wouldn't call things never go well on the phone I would show up with a 12 packer and talk it out who knows you might become huntin buds

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Mike ( TREESTANDMAN) gettin his trail cam ripped and not postin the pic right off the getgo and then this....People on here getting soft or what? Gino I cant tell you what to do but I would call him and tell him to pound sand in his butt...I have hunted the same place for almost 20 years and would never even think of leaving such a note. It just aint right...

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I think I would just move on to another area deeper in the woods, but before leaving, I would bring out my 1 gallon sprayer filled with water and a heavy dose of mountain lion urine mixed with it. I would then spray that entire area down for the next three months. :ph34r: Plus leave the guy a note letting him know that I would respect his wishes. David

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