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How to take a realistic Field Picture?

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I was wondering how to take a field photo so it doesn't look like it came out of Jurassic Park.

I've seen the suggestions on how to take pic's on this site. But they are exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Granted, low angle, very close and looking up. Makes an animal bigger than it appears. I saw another picture of a hunter who harvested a great bear. But, Dang it would make Bigfoot wonder where he Sasquatches.

Honestly, If I stand at least 8 to 12 feet back. Using a conventional angle will i get a more realistic picture?

And why is it people want to make their success bigger than life? Any help from more experience photo journ's would be appreciated. Thanks


I guess I 've seen to many Javi's that look like bears and bears that look more like Buffalo's. Peace

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Stand back, make sure there isn't any "gore" and put the animal in a regal position. Get some background, and make sure it is tasteful and above all respectful. Show the land in which the animal lived and died and give proper respect and you will be AOK. If there is need, Photoshop is great for cleaning up the photo - no tounges, no blood - you get the idea.

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Thanks for the info. Jamaro and AZOnecam

RR also as some good suggestion he posted earlier.


I'm going to combine everything and test out some angles with my mckenzie deer. I really want to limit my time with the pictures in the field. While still having them look there normal size. I like these digital camera's as you can take many pictures without wasting actual film. Thanks again, I'll post some pic's after my hunt. Hopefully

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