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Soloution to carry your Range Finder

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I am on eof the lucky ones. I have beeen using this product since Christian came up with his first prototype. It has helped me take a 318" & 327" bull elk with my bow and a couple of unfortunate javalina. I was with Christian when he and I had an opportunity at a 380"++ (would have booked in B&C for sure) bull elk, but neither of us had quick access to our range finders. Turned out, after the bull had walked off, he was much closer than I had thought and well within both of our abilities. Both uf us came home with considerably smaller (but still respectable) elk. I have forgot My Range Snap a couple of times and it makes uneasy when I do. It is worth it's weight in gold when that trophy animal shows up unexpectadly.

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I hope you have a patent. I bought something almost exactly like that from the cabelas bargain basement last year.....wish I had a pic handy....clips on my bino buddy harnes.....even has the quick release clip like yours.....It also has a litle rain sleeve that pulls up over your unit for inclemnent weather.....I am at work now so I can't look at it for the name of the manufacturer.....I'll try to post it up later......

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hello everyone,

longtime listener first time caller, i picked up a couple of rangesnaps from christian a while back and had the oppurtunity to take a couple of animals. because of his product. this thing is a necessity... i've tried a lot of different things and this is what you want! no more dangling,hanging,banging ,can't get to it fast enough or uhoh! im busted! bowhunters know what i mean.the only thing you need to do after you get one is make sure you have a good battery in your range finder it really helps. its way better than the elastic band from my underwear my wife rigged up for me years ago.

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Well.... I have been suppose to comment on this thread for some time... and forgot... But Christian asked me to try his product so I been meaning to use it and test it. As many of you know the summer is a hard time to test something that is attached to your hunting pack.... but I did get it all rigged up and tried it around the house. As best as I can tell this is going to be a great addition to my pack/hunting gear. I will know about it in the months to come as we prepare for this fall. The feed back on my end will be on going as the fall and winter progresses. As of right now I am looking forward to having it on my setup.... I hope it works well!! Thanks Christian, for the hook up.

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Well running behind on this kind of stuff.... But I used the heck out of my Range Snap this season....and.... I like it a lot!! I would recomend it to all of you I was nice to have my range finder right where I needed it all the time! There are couple of items that I will point out as drawback that I think will easily be remidied in the nexty generations... on would be that your rangefinder needs a dust cover that is something I have got to get done for next season because twice I had to clean my mine inorder to get distance readings.... the other would be that I must have a long neck cuz I could a little more length out of my lanyard.... Otherwise I think this is a First rate way to carry a rangfinder, or GPS, or Radio, etc..... my biggest concern was looing it in the brush and I can assure you that from Sept. til the end of Dec. mine hung safely on my shoulder strap of my J107.... For a new product I give it a 9 out of 10 and with a few upgrades it will be a solid 10!! Thanks again to Christian for letting me test this in the field for so long before I gave my personal seal of approval!


In closing I'd like to ask Christian to develope a neoprene style (or fleece) bikini cover for rannge finders and GPS radios! Thanks! ;)

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I like the looks of this products effective use. I think I will be buying one soon. Very cool.

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My buddy Rob (basser15) had one of these on our pig hunt last weekend. I lost my rangefinder case so i have been trying to figure something better than my pocket. This thing is pretty handy for sure. It will be one of my next purchases!



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