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Red Rabbit

Interesting Bullet Expansion Test

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Saw this on the Barnes site.



Compared bullet expansion through a hard object then gelatin with the TTSX, Accubond, Ballistic Tip and VLD at two sets of velocities. If you look closely, you can see the disturbed gelatin around the wound channel.


The accuracy data is meaningless to me as loads can vary widely.

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RR, thanks for posting that. Pretty cool results. In fact, I'm not sure why Barnes would even post it on their site. We all know that bullets kill by hydrostatic shock and from the looks of it to me both the Bergers and the Ballistic tips have much more hydrostatic shock than the Barnes bullets. I think I'll stick with my Bergers after looking at that data.


I think Barnes wants hunters to think that penetration kills. Penetration is necessary to an extent, but in these tests both the Bergers and Ballistic tips have plenty enough penetration to kill deer and elk effictively.


On a side note I also question the accuracy data. I think it's a pretty well known fact that many rifles have a difficult time shooting Barnes bullets with any consistency.

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Its very interesting for sure...shot placement is obviously the most important factor...but I am on the fence on this subject I see both sides...the amimal absorbing all the energy from the bullet makes sense to me...but so does good penetration and two holes for blood to run out of...Ive shot ballistic tips for years then switched to accubonds for a few years and now im shooting the VLDs...and have been successful with all of them. I personally like breaking bones and such so I will always take the shoulder shot...loose some meat for sure but knock on wood havent lost an animal either...

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Tam, you pretty much said what I was thinking.

Jack, your on a fence allot of people are walking.

I want to expend ALL the energy into the animal.

I can track a blood trail but would rather walk over

to where that animal was slammed to the ground and retrieve it.

Much better than looking at the impact spot of the bullet in the dirt

and then try to find a blood trail for who knows how far.

Archery is a different game and yes, give me a pass through

and lots of blood.


Thanks Doug for the post.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but arent the Barnes designed for 95-100% weight retention? It looks to me like the 100 yard Barnes bullets shed the petals and lost alot more weight then they are designed?

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