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I have been hunting in this great state since I was old enough to legally hunt. I lived for hunting. The past few years I haven't enjoyed it like I used to. I don't know why? I have had a good run of luck with hunting the last few years I have filled my tags when I was not even trying."Dumb luck" I wanted the guys that I go with to have success rather than me. I don't know what is wrong. I need to find a way to build the hunting fire again. Is this something that has happened to anyone?

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I personally take it as a gift, and is all about apreciation. Do you sometimes stop to smell the rose? Do you stop to admire the beatifull landscape God have created for you? Just stop sometimes and smell the pines, desert and feel the wind in your face. Dont you feel alive?


Do you have legs? can you still use them and walk? Can you see? The point is how many people is in a wheel chair or in a hospital bed and they will give anything to be in the outdoors hunting or fishing?


Live every day to its fullest like if it were going to be your last one, remember, somebody out there will love to be in your place.


I work hard year round and that's my opportunity to be one with nature, relax and get rid of the stress from all the battles we face every day. Also among other things an oportunity to get together with friends and family.


You filled your tags even when you were not trying?? My friend that is a blessing and God is telling you something. Get up and put your face up, why worry?


Ultramag, sometimes the battles of every day or events in our every day life tend to get us depress. My friend if you are tired dont worry, it is normal to get tired. Just make it different next time, like hunting with a new friend, or a differente area you never hunted before, or make it challenging for you. Try next time to shoot the smallest buck you have ever shot, or the biggest.....or dont take your rifle with you until the 3rd day of the hunt, take your binos and camera first etc etc.


Take care, good luck and let me know if I or anybody here in this forum can help you out.


Ernesto C

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You filled your tags even when you were not trying?? My friend that is a blessing and God is telling you something.


It's called maturity. Remember as young men, drawing blood was the most important thing? Remember when killing a 2 point was success and not filling a tag hurt? As we get older watching small bucks walk away is cool, and hunting for that special rack holds more importance - and it don't hurt to not tag out.

As we grow older yet, we find things even more important than hunting (previously unthinkable), things like relationships with our friends and love for our family.

Don't quit hunting. Use it to find solace and to build on those special relationships - and especially that most important relationship - see Ernesto's quote above.



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Try broadening your hunting horizons. Save up for an antelope hunt in South Africa or Namibia, or a pronghorn hunt in Wyoming, or blackbuck or Barbary sheep in Texas. It's a big world out there.


I disagree with Mike. Never use a measuring tape to judge the quality of your hunting experience. Most of us who remain hunters well into our old age outgrew the dreaded trophy hunting phase years ago when we discovered we had too many boxes of antlers, skulls and horns in storage and no space for more heads on our walls.


Nonetheless, we continue to hunt because we must, and we will continue to do so until we can't.


Bill Quimby

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1) Like Bill said, a special hunt to Africa, New Zealand, Wyoming, Canada or Alaska may be in order with your best hunting buddy.

2) Adding a camera to my pack sure has added to the enjoyment and fullfillment of the hunt.

3) Put in for a new unit so scouting becomes a needed part as opposed to going to the same spot each year.

4) Become active in one of the critter groups.

5) Is there a kid in the neighborhood, son's friend, or friend's son that you can take out and tutor?

6) Change weapons- try archery, handgun or muzzleloader hunting.



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I admit that I get burnt out on hunting too at times. I havent filled a tag in years, not because I couldnt, but because I didnt see anything that I personally wanted. I have definately gotten into watching friends and family take animals more then me. But, what I have filled the void is with fishing. From about Feb.-July(and sometimes even into Nov.) I strictly fish. Then by the time hunting season comes around, Im more into it. I really like to go dove hunting also when it starts in Sept. which also gets me back in the mood. But then again, I drew a antelope tag with the bow, which will tend to get you repumped cause its something different. I dont see it as a big deal, take a break from it, sooner or later youll get the fever back...or maybe not....

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I like going out with rookies, seeing the excitement on their faces, the nervous energy, the new enthusiasm.

At this stage in my life I enjoy sitting up on a mountain and glassing behind my binos, helping out friends and seeing them be successful more so than myself.

I did a jr's Javelina hunt last fall with two brothers 13 and 16, they both took pigs, on the last day of the hunt. I glassed up the pigs with about a 1/2 hour to go before were where going to leave. It is a memory they will have forever.

I helped a couple of guys that work for me take their first Coues Deer last year. I just really enjoy giving back, it feels really good.

I must admit as the years go by I don't have the same sense of passion or anticipation I did as a younger man. Once, I am out there the love I have for it and feeling of joy I feel is deeply rooted in my soul.

I hope you rekindle your passion, Take Care, JLG.

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