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incredible close encounter!

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I was actually making the kids lunch and looked out to see a few Antelope out across the road. Got my glasses and saw a descent buck with them so I grabbed the camera and put the telephoto lens on to hopefully get some descent pics. They all had bedded down so I stayed low and got to about 100 yrds of them when I saw they all stand up. I snapped a few pics but they were still a ways off so I just started walking slowly towards them. They wouldnt let me get any closer than about 90-100 yards and would jog back aways and turn around and stare at me. I had gotten to the point were they had been laying down and figured the show was over considering I wasnt getting any closer. Then I looked only a few feet away and saw they two tiny sets of ears stickin out of the grass.








I was actually about 6 feet from them when I took the pics. I got my pics and slipped out, and started walking back, shakin my head appreciating an awesome experiance. Got back to house and saw mama come back and swoop them up.

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That was Making the most of a rare opportunity!

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Wow yea really cool! Thanks for sharing your beautifull experience wiht us.


Ernesto C

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Thats so cool! And two of them together! Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them!



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Awesome pictures man! I have actually perfected a technique when it comes to antelope fawns. I haven't been able to get twins right next to each other yet, but I have lots of cool photos of singles.


This fawn actually walked up to my while I was snapping some photos and licked my pant leg!!!! No kidding either. I think he got confused.









Not trying to hijack your thread. Just thought I would add a couple similar photos. Thanks for sharing!

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J..soo sweet. Great pictures.glad you are enjoying your new residence.

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Great pics. Had the same experience w/ a muley doe & her fawn a couple summers ago. Good times!

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Thats cool!!! I ran into mule deer fawns in the desert a couple of years ago... its amazing how tiny they are.

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Simply amazing! Great pics and thanks for sharing!


Just another reminder how important it is to get out and shoot some coyotes this time of year.





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