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Obama's Citizenship Questioned Again

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I do not have any links to provide to this

but thought you may like to read this Email.


Obama Faces More Questions on Citizenship


April 1, 2009


AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking..


The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama’s legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. When reached for comment in London, where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administration’s efforts to move the country in a new direction.


Britain's Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article titled, “Obama Eligibility Questioned”, leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama’s first official visit to the U.K.


In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama’s legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey.


This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio’s case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship or qualification to serve as president.


Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama’s campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr.Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter.


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I've also seen this report- I thought it had some links in it - I'll try to find it and post them. It arrived in my mailbox as spam eventhough it was sent by a friend on my contact list. :blink: What's going on?

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I think the amount of discrepancies leaves a lot of doubt at best in his eligibilty.


His grandmother's statements, the school documents, inconsistent dates on his birht certificate compared to his other family statements, No actual certificate of birt, but rather a Live Birth certificate. Read the techincal difference if you wonder.


The Lamestream media left this alone and won't even acknowledge the possibility. If it was a republican the press would have vetted them right out of the primary.


Kenya looks at BO as thier own so there is another reason.

Frankly they can have their village idot back If I was given the choice.

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I doubt that we'll get an "easy out" on this. The more he keeps piling on trillions of dollars in American debt to China and other countries on our children and grandchildren, the sooner we'll see him fade away as he should. :angry:

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Interesting how every time the American People come up with a legitimate question the Dem's blow it off as another "Right Wing" conservitive group. The Dem's are using their crafty ways to spin that term into another meaning for domestic terrorists. Just one small way to cast a negative light onto the conservitive groups.



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More questions, and this time some good questions.






> While I've little interest in getting in the middle of

> the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so

> yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama

> answering one simple question: What passport did he use when

> he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi?


> So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early

> June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket,

> suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip

> just a month later? And once he was on a plane, shuttling

> between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was

> he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?

> The American people not only deserve to have answers to

> these questions, they must have answers.

> It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather

> short and simple one.


> Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?

> A: Yes, by his own admission.

> Q: What passport did he travel under?

> A: There are only three possibilities. 1. He traveled with

> a U.S. Passport, 2) He traveled with a British passport, or

> 3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.

> Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport

> in 1981?

> A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State

> Department's "no travel" list in 1981.


> Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was

> traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian

> passport.


> If he was traveling with a British passport that would

> provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961,

> not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he was traveling with an

> Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he

> relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British

> or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian

> step-father in 1967.

> Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need

> to know how he managed to become a "natural born"

> American citizen between 1981 and 2008.. Given the

> destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated

> by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending

> plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the

> truth of all this, the better.


> Count me in as one of those inquiring minds who'd at

> least like to know the answers to these easily answered (by

> Obama) questions.

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Passport issue should be an easy thing for media to check. I had not heard this angle but I bet there is fire with this smoke!


The media and libs do not want to check or prove this because they were so vested in getting him elected they do not want to look bad when he goes down.

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Before I jumped into this controversy I would want to know more about the article appearing at the top of this thread.


Did the Associated Press actually transmit this article?


If it did, I'd want to know which newspaper originally ran it, and the name of the reporter who wrote the original piece that some AP guy rewrote and sent to his company's subscribing news outlets.


Note the dateline -- April 1.


Bill Quimby

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Sorry Bill.

As I stated in my post, I have nothing to back this up.

But I am sure a man of your background can find it.

If you do please add it to this post so we all know it is true.


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The e-mail I got was a post from the Arizona Sentinal from May 2 2009- it has several links- judge for yourself. One of the links shows that obama has spent almost 1 million $ to keep his records hidden from the public. A simple release of his records would clear up all doubt - Right? :huh:

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My son who was born in Flagstaff, lived in AZ all his life has attended Yavapai gunsmithing school, finished that, then transfered to MCC in Mesa to go to start on law school, has already attended two semesters and registered on-line to attend summer school only to find out his classes had been dropped.

He had to go prove citizenship :blink:


Obama presenting documentation of citizenship would be way to simple of a solution......................

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If you go to www.snopes.com and search for "obama citizenship," you will find reference to the phony AP article shown at top.


It was an April Fool's prank, as its dateline suggested.


Not following AP style also made it highly suspect, as well as the fact that such charges were not widely publicized. Even a biased newsperson could not ignore them and we would have heard them on every channel and station.


Just another example of "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."


Bill Quimby

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Thanks for setting the record straight Bill.

I do not like him but also do not want to post untruths.

As a Very wise and respected man has said:

" If you voted for Obama, you need to punch yourself in the mouth every morning" ;)

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