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They should be dropping antlers

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hello - while turkey hunting we had an unique experience with a few coues. One buck only had one antler so guess it's time for some brownie's to start showing up!

This one experience that was worth the whole trip- We were at a tank -unnamed-looking for tracks and had 5 wht-tails show up on the dam - 3 bucks 2 does - the one buck was a small forky , one buck had only one antler but he was a big 3 point -western count- and the other was a jaw dropper 4x4 -He had a set of eye guards the were at least 6-7 in and his G-2's were at least 8 in. his g-3 and 4 were small maybe 2-3 in. great mass and nice spread as wide as his ears . nice length to the main beams .A solid 100+ we got a real GOOD look at him -we were using my leopuld 8x25.

What made this special was they fed around the tank and walk right in front of us at less than 30 yrds. we watched them dance around and chase each other around in the water's edge for 90 minutes. What makes this even stranger was we were sitting in lawn chairs right out in the open next to the truck. we were parked at the corner of the tank in plain view. big white dodge. go figure - no camera -- lol -- we had fun- no turkeys.

Now i got to decide if i should put in for unit 8 this year - that was anice buck a shooter in anybody's book - not huge but i couldn't quit looking at him . might be a good spot for a trail cam. Gary

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That is really cool! I have hunted unit 8 a lot for elk and I have never seen a whitetail deer only muleys. I have heard of other guys seeing them but I never have. Maybe you should put in there Gary since you seem to know where to find them. Too bad you didnt have a camera I would have loved to pics of that.

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