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I'm really torn on what to do this year for the upcoming deer draw. Normally I put in for mule deer in the desert units, but my work schedule is extremely busy this year from the beginning of october to almost the end of november. So, I have been looking at the whitetail tags for the southern units on the late november hunt. I have never taken a whitetail before but the more I learn about them the more I want to harvest one. What do you guys suggest for my first whitetail tag? I've done some research and I think I found the unit that I want to hunt but I want to see what you guys might have to say. If you guys have suggestions for me that would be great. Thanks.

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Do you bowhunt? Don't overlook Arizona's liberal archery season, some very outstanding bucks were taken by bowhunters this last year. Any of the decent whitetail units are good to hunt, but if you are limited to a short time frame ,it does not matter what unit you hunt, if you do not know the area, it will be a matter of luck, or being in the right place at the right time, unless you research and scout the area.


Check out the AZGF regulations and determine what hunt and unit that will fit your travel and time limitations and then check out their hunt unit report and it will give you an idea of where to start your efforts.

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Why not unit 8, or 21 or 6A?? Those are much closer to Wickenburg and they all hold good deer. True, i think the 21 hunt is Oct.--haven't looked at the regs yet. Oh, and don't forget unit 23 and 22 for W/T--all good areas. The south is great for deer but if you live up north why not stay closer to home and hunt those units?

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Yes I do bow hunt. If I was to get drawn I was going to bow hunt down there in august and also use that time to scout. It will mostly be scouting but I will bring my bow in case I get a shot at a nice buck.


Why do you say 30B is my unit? Just curious.


There are a few reasons why I am looking at the southern units over the northern units. One is the time the hunts take place. The Late November hunt is perfect for me and I will be able to hunt the entire time without taking off time from work. I work at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant and there are two times out of the year where it is hard for me to miss work (this year is October 3-November 26, the other time is just ending) after that I am free to take time off. The other reason is the draw odds and success rates are really good. Plus I always like to hunt a new unit and learn some new land.



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I have been hunting 36a, 36b and 34a for years, and they are all great units, but with all the trash out there from illegals it just taints the hunt for me. Last year I went to unit 32 (klondyke area) and really enjoyed myself, no matter how many washes I crossed, I never came across one backpack.

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I was really wondering how the illegals would affect those units so your information really helps.I was thinking I should stay in the units like 32 or 33. You say you didnt have any more problems with the illegals in 32 but how was your hunt? Thanks again.


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I dont want to scare you away from the southern units, I will still hunt them in the future, just want you to be aware of what you might encounter down there.


I had hunted unit 32 about 20 years ago for mulies and thought it would be nice to go back. Pre-hunt scouting was great, explored some new places and found a surprising amount of whitetail. I fell in love with this unit once again. Lots of options in this unit. Area has a wilderness area so a pack-in hunt would be productive. The unit is large and has a lot of different terrain to check out. We saw quite a few whitetail even when scouting lower elevations, so dont overlook them. I will probably be back in this unit again this year (unfinished business so to speak). There are trophies to be had in this unit. Its a great hunt.


Unit 33 is a great unit, but not one I spend much time in, so I'll leave that to someone else.


Good luck, Rich.

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hey whoever said 30B is pulling your leg i hunted 30B years ago and there is no acces there is acces to 1 or 2 canyons and every tagholder and familyare there.

i will never put again for that unit but if you are intersted in that unit wait because there is always leftover permits for 30B

hope this help you in anyway but i will put for 21 , 22, 23, 24b they are close to wickenburg and is good hunting.

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Thanks everybody for your help. I think I've made my decision. I was 90% sure I was going to put in for this unit when I started this post now I know for sure. I've had more than one person tell me that I will be addicted to these deer after I've hunted them, I can see that happening. Thanks again.

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Some good hunting opportunities exist down south. If your below I-10. Just take one of these with you and you'll be fine. :D :D post-3200-1242689389_thumb.jpg

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