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Great job Casey! I am very proud of you and am comforted that our country still has outstanding young men like you that stand for Freedom and Democracy.


Nowyou can ask my daughter out!







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Congratulations! I've known some fine border patrolmen, including Harlon Carter, who ended his career as head of the NRA, and George Parker, one of the three or four greatest Coues deer hunters of all time. You are entering an honored occupation that deserves greater recognition by the American public.


I'm interested in knowing more about immersion and how it's taught.


I took all the required Spanish classes in high school and at the UA a hundred years ago. I also have lived on the Mexican border for all of my seven-plus decades and travelled across Spain, Argentina, Paraguay and northern and central Mexico. Nonetheless, no one can accuse me of even near-fluency.


My granddaughter spent just one semester on an ASU exchange program in Spain, and speaks it like a Spaniard. She does so well that she now leads tours into Peru each summer. I got along -- barely -- when she and I were in South America, but she was constantly apologizing for her grandfather's "Spanglish."


Is there hope for an old codger like me? I've tried classes that are offered for seniors, but the beginner classes were for absolute beginners and the advanced classes were too advanced for me. I can read it better than I can speak it, but I am not really good at either. I've been told my pronunciation is OK, and that I have a large vocabulary of nouns. My problem is with verbs and their tenses, and with grammar. Any suggestions?


Bill Quimby

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Congratulations Casey. You must be very proud of yourself and you should be, you earned it.

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Buen Hecho!!! le felicito!!!! HAHA good job glad to have a fellow coues whitetail member protecting our borders. And thanks to any others!!!

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Again, GREAT JOB! We are all really happy you pulled through.

You are off to a great start in life and things will only get better from here for you.


It was a pleasure to meet your family and could tell they were very proud of their son too.

Good luck on your first year out.


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Huge congrats to you Casey! You should be proud of yourself, that took alot of determination and persevearance I'm sure! Imagine all the cool guns and toys you will be able to buy now!! BTW.....the first thing you need to do is burn all of your mis-matched, faded, oversized camos you always wear and finally buy some new ones....... I might know a Kings dealer if yer interested ;) :P Congrats again on achieving a huge milestone in your life! JIM>

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Congrats man, so are you going to be out of the Casa Grande office? If so when you get up here look me up and maybe we can go shoot so yotes sometime!

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Way to got there Cheeze Ball! Glad things are going well for you there!!! You look pretty dang spiffy in that uniform!! Good for you and best of luck out there!! Carry out your duties with pride and honor.... we are grateful to all the guys and gals down there trying to stop the flow! ;)

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