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It was brought to my attention, that I have not been posting much, and I have not posted progress here in the academy.


I succesfully graduated the Border Patrol academy. I graduated on April 16 along with 39 of my fellow classmates. We started at 50, dropped down to 39 then gained one from a previous class. I had the honor of having Scottyboy pin my badge, and Hector aka Chef was also at the ceremony. I lost a total of 20 pounds, and gained the respect of all of my classmates as I know they did not think I was going to be able to make it through because of my size. Little did they know... On our first mile and a half time, I ran a 12:28, and finished sixth in the class. On our final, I ran a 11:30, and finshed sixth in the class. I enjoyed the academy, and all though it was tough at times, it was a amazing experience. Currently, us non-native speakers are in Spanish immerision course. It is definately interesting. I still have a month here, and can not wait to get home and start working in the field!



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Way to go Casey!!! Or should I say Agent Casey! A huge CONGRATS to you! You are an honor to our country and you should be very proud. Hopefully in the next couple of months I will be right behind you buddy and maybe we can work side by side some day. Congrats again!



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A great big Congratulations to you Casey. I hope it is all you want it to be and I'm sure you will be a great addition to the country's security.

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Congratulations Casey

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Great work Casey. Go get 'em buddy.

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Congratulations Casey! I hope you still get time to hunt the elusive coues.


Ernesto C

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Casey, congratulations and thanks for being part of our protection along the border. It was great that Scottyboy and Chef could be there and I'm proud to say one of our coueswhitetail members is now protecting us of harms way. Way to go Casey. I know you will do us proud! :D



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Congrats again, amigo.


It was great to see you graduate. I could see the pride you had in yourself when I pinned that badge on you. You earned it.

I'm proud of you!



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Congratulations Casey.

I am very happy for you and I know it meant a lot to you.

I can see the pride in your pictures.

The borders will be much safer with a fine young man

as your self protecting them ;)



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Congrats Casey! That's too cool that Scott got to pin your badge and with Hector there to share it with you as well.



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Congrats Casey! Now get to learning that Spanish!


Casey ya habla algo de espanol y lo hace muy bien. Yo le quise presentar a mi hermana para que practicara mas, pero Casey es muy timido.

Casey already speaks some spanish y he does it really good. I tried to introduce him to my sister so he can practice more but Casey is to shy.


Ernesto C :D

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Congrats Casey! Now get to learning that Spanish!


Casey ya habla algo de espanol y lo hace muy bien. Yo le quise presentar a mi hermana para que practicara mas, pero Casey es muy timido.

Casey already speaks some spanish y he does it really good. I tried to introduce him to my sister so he can practice more but Casey is to shy.

Ernesto C :D



Now that part is a lie Ernesto! You never even mentioned anything about a sister! First question... Does she look like you (Lets hope not!)



Thank you guys for the comments. It was a pretty awesome day. I am proud of my self as are my parents! I can not wait to get back to Arizona so I can start working!

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