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Beards and Spurs

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I don't know much about turkeys, but I always thought that long beards and big spurs went together, and short beards and small spurs went together.


So a couple of weeks ago when I arrowed what I thought was a jake, with a thin short beard, I was pretty surprised when he had one inch spurs. But not as surprised as I was last week, when my son, kidbowhunter, arrowed a big gobbler (24 lbs) with a thick 9" beard, that had 1/8" nubs for spurs.


Somebody, please educate this confused, displaced coues hunter!



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It is possible that your son's bird wore his spurs down if he lived in a rocky/rough country. Was his fan full? Jake's fans will have the middle feathers longer than the rest of the primary feathers.

Your bird was more than likely a 2-3 year old bird, also beards can be damaged and shortened.

Hope this helps a little.


Aging Turkeys can be very difficult but it sounds to me like your son's bird was an older bird that wore his spurs down.

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Thanks for the response. Yeah, both birds had full fans, no shorter feathers.



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Apparently spur length is a much more reliable way to judge turkey age than beard length. And as Brian pointed out, the jakes have center tail feathers that stick up, so your bird was likely 2-3 years old based on 1 inch spurs.


here is a link I found helpful when I was searcing for turkey aging info:



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