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Private land owner closes Arivipa Canyon

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The best way to handle this is for the county to stop maintaining the road and you will see the land owners grant a rightof way real quick. The Coronado National Forest started lifting the blades on some of these types of roads across private land back in the early 90's because of legal reasons. Tres Bellotas, and the Mt. Lemmon Control road had this issue but not anymore. Land owners are the primary users of these roads and have the most to gain to grant right of way.

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I'm thinking that it is time to make an example of somebody, and who better than somebody making excuses for a child molestor. Take that D-9 and run it right through her property. I have a problem with infringing on an individuals rights without it being warranted, but I am willing to look the other way on this one, heck I'll drive the Cat.

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I have to agree with you on that one Keith, and it will open back up a great canyon road too. Talk about killing two with one stone!

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Your tag line is really appropriate. In this case I think it says it all!


Ronald Reagan still has a lot to share with us!

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I don't think the county or anyone else can run a cat through her property unless the have a ROW grant. That may be the case? I'm not sure. But these properties where we find locked gates are no larger than a couple hundered acres most times, and sometimes just 40 acres. All it would take is a quick sashay through the bushes on public land with a dozer, and you are through to the other side of the private property. Basically bypassing the property so we do not have to mess with them ever again. Now the road will be on public land and governed solely by the public land owners...you and I.

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There is alot of political red tape when it comes to cutting a new road. Game and fish has a guy that is titled Land access coordinator or something to that affect, he is the one to talk to about this his name is Matt Walton, he is out of the Tucson office.I have been working with him on some of the same issues around my area. He has a big stack of these issues on his desk so it might take a while to get something done.

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Now that I think of it, there might not be access around her property. Does anyone know if it would be possible to get aroud her property? It's kinda in the bottom of a canyon. Anyway, if we needed to get through her property, the county could force access. It has happened many times in Cochise county. All we need is to get someone on the county board of supervisors fired up over this situation. This particular gate should be able to get opened in courts. Of course, some others cannot. Those that cannot get opened are as simple as I said before...Environmental Assessment, and then blade around the property. There isn't much red tape involved. If there is a lack of manpower in the agencies to get an EA done, have it contracted! Instead of paying the landowners off, get an EA done and go around them! Blading around private has happened a bit in the past, but it looks like it needs to happen more in the future. We need to get the county and land management agencies moving on these locked gates. If we let them pass the buck, nothing will get done. Pay a visit to your local BLM, G&F, Forest Circus, or county office. I think the county needs to be pushed on this particular gate, and all the rest need to be the state and feds. The game and fish access cordinator deals primarily with access to state lands. There are lots of gates locked near fed lands as well. In the past, the G&F have bargained with land owners for access. In my opinion, we don't need to bargain with the landowners on these access issues. All that gets us is more locked gates because other land owners are seeing what the game and fish will pay, or do, to keep gates open. :ph34r: We need to blade around private and create our access on public lands. Most simple EA's can be done from start to finish in a few months, so as I see it, we should be able to get around any or most private in a few months after access is denied. Some of these gates have been locked for years! Remember, we are the voice for public lands. If we want somethig done, we need to be a squeaky wheel. OK, off my soapbox (for now) :blink: On a more positive note, It doesn't look too windy, so I'm off to whack a coyote or two! Have a good weekend all.

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Anybody know at what point on the road this closure is at exactly?


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Man!! What a mess. I say plow thru her land and make her keep it open, with FORCE! I've been thru there many times and that little old lady running that gas station and lodge is a saint. Now shes having to suffer cause of some lady whose son has been toyed with and then turned around and toyed someone else's kid?!?!?!? OH THE MADDNESS!! Shoot that worthless son of hers, like Keith said, that's letting him off the hook to easy. Where in the world did people get off not taking responsibility for thier own actions? The PC'ers of this world is making us rot from the inside out!! Kill em all and let God sort 'em out!!

JVS, if they can build a road thru Oak Creek Canyon they can build a road around Klondyke. Hope you wacked a couple dogs.



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Let's get 'er done! Hey...I believe this lady has a website. She guides and does horseback tours, etc. Does anyone have the link? Seems like I have seen it in the past. Anyway, I'm sure it has a "contact us" link on the homepage. Let's send her our love and appreciation in regards to that freakin' locked gate. I'm not condoning any threats, but let's give'er heck boys. Josh, if you mean political correctness when you say PC, AMEN! Political correctness is nothing more than an idea to make the bad look good and the good look bad.

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JVS, that's exactly what I meant!! This PC crap has gotten so out of hand it's rediculous. I'm sick of having to pussy-foot around certain subjects because someone might get thier feelings hurt. Nowadays you could probably get sued for hurting someones feelings. I just calls em like I sees em.



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