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Hey Coosefan: your pics are all over the net

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I had a filling that Jim stole those photos from another site. :lol: :blink: :unsure:

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I had a filling that Jim stole those photos from another site. :lol: :blink: :unsure:



HA! You caught me! :P


Seriously, I can't believe how much that picture is flying around!!! I'm sure everyone has gotten that email by now....or multiple times is more like it!


My initial email that i sent out was hi-jacked by a guy in Ogden UT named John Jones. Mr. Jones took credit for my picture and it's spread like wildfire ever since. With the help of some friends we tracked down Mr. Jones, who actually lived in the exact area which is described in the "revised" email, and we called him! He denied the whole thing but it was very clear in his voice and stuttering that he was guilty of stealing and claiming my pic and adding a false story! I really don't care about my picture being sent out, I just can't stand the fact that it's got false info attached and especially because there are numbskulls in this world like John Jones, whoever he may be, that feel the need to steal somebody elses pic and claim it as their own! Get your own pics.... you numbskulls! ;)


BTW.....thanks to all you guys that have been setting the story straight!

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I will never understand how someone could claim a Pic and make up a false story and send it out to all their friends and feel good about that at all????????????

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Jim, I think I told you this, but about a week after that pic was posted one of my buddies told me that his cousins or something like that was on that hunt, and the dogs you followed were actually his... I started laughing when I saw them, and then said "The next picture is a hillbilly with a bow on his back looking down the mountain." Sure enough...

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