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June 13-14th AES Work Project

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Arizona Elk Society

Burro Creek Fence Removal &

26 Bar Adopt-A-Ranch Work Project


Who: Arizona Elk Society, www.arizonaelksociety.org


When: June 13-14, 2009


Where: Main Camp will be at Rudd Knoll campsite 3 miles north Crescent Lake.

SW of Springerville, AZ. From Showlow take Highway 260 East toward Springerville, turn south on paved Highway 273 (3 mi east of Springerville) and head south 17 miles. Look for signs at campsite on left side of the road. This is primitive Camping. (There are no facilities) Port-a-johns will be onsite.

Camping is also available at Big Lake campground. Meals and meetings will take place at Rudd Knoll Camping area.


Description: This year we will be removing fence on the Big Lake Allotment east of Big Lake. We have about 6 miles to remove this year. We will also be working at the 26 Bar Ranch allotment south of Springerville, this is the AES Adopt-A-Ranch where every year we work on projects for the ranch that pertain to elk conflict issues. The work will be done in the woods south of Big Lake.


The projects, in no particular order, are:


1. Up to 6 miles of fence that needs to be removed and hauled out of the forest.

2. The repair of a wildlife trick tank with a 20,000 gallon storage that needs have the rust ground off then repair the leaks in the tank itself as well as the drinkers.


We need approximately 80-100 people to accomplish these projects. The actual work finished depends on the number of workers.


We are a family oriented organization; however projects are potentially dangerous working with barbed wire, power tools and vehicles. Kids under 18 need to be supervised by an adult.


Tools: Please bring pliers, gloves, and wire cutters if you have them. Some of these items will also be provided. Please make sure you bring appropriate hats, long sleeve shirts, sunblock etc for sun protection. Also be prepared for cool mornings and even possibly rain. Old clothes would be recommended for those grinding on the tanks. Rubber boots will be needed for those that can work in the tanks.


We need a lot of help on this project so please mark your calendars. We will be providing meals Friday night, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Sunday breakfast.


If you would like to carpool to save on expenses and driving, please contact Tom Schorr. There may also be extra sleeping areas in tents or trailers available.


Check our website www.arizonaelksociety.org for more information.


Contact: Please RSVP to Tom Schorr at thomas.schorr@fcssw.com or call 602-431-4131.


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I hope to see a bunch of you guys and gals up at this project. The AES has been doing this project for quite a few years and it has made a huge impact.

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I plan on being up there as long as my work schedule will allow it (I believe it will). Since each and every one of us is a stewart for the lands we use, I belive that this is a great project and will do nothing but improve the country.

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Still needing volunteers. Don't forget the AES is feeding all the volunteers so you don't need to worry about bringing food or cooking. There are a few guys that a taking their trailers and have extra space to make it easier for people that want to volunteer but don't want to drag a trailer up there. Thanks Steve

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