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atv street legal ticket

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for what it is worth. I've known jonh over 20 years. the quads he was on were not his as he was borrowing them for his hunt. I talked to him after this happend and for him to be degraded the way he was is a shame. the post he 1st made was to give an FWI to all coues members to make sure to spread the news about the quad laws so you don't have to defend $1500 in tickets and spend a day pleading your case in court. I also agree with the info that is keep on all of us. a simple warning and a check of your name in the system would of been enough . if ever pulled over again and a warning was listed, fine given.


respect goes along way in this world we live in.



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hahaha Tim got a ticket!! hahaha. Just kidding buddy. I know how it goes. I got one a little over three years ago. I was passing a garbage truck on Cherry road that was going 10mph under the speed limit. In order to pass him safely, though, I had to go 15 over the speed limit. Wouldn't you know it, the first car coming in oncoming traffic was a DPS officer. I tried to plead my case and said the garbage truck was breaking the law by impeading traffic and I had to go that fast to get around him. He kind of laughed at me and said if I knew breaking the law was the only way to get around him, I should have stayed behind him. I said "yep, you are right" and took my ticket. I am self-employed in the courier business and this ticket was a huge blow. Nothing I could do about it but suck it up.





I am not in law enforcement, but I would be willing to bet that since you have done all the necessary work since you received your ticket, the judge will toss out your fines, or at least reduce them significantly.


As far as the rest of the posts, don't sweat it man. I learned a long time ago when it comes to these boards, everyone is going to post their opinions, whether you like them or not. Getting worked up over it isn't worth it. Heck, I have been called some things that I don't care to repeat and have since made good friends with some of the guys that said those things!! It's just the way it is on the forums, unfortunately.


Good luck to you in court. Like I said, I think you will be fine.

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It does suck that you got the ticket but the laws have been on the books for a long time. Almost every forest service website states that if the roads are horizontally signed or maintained then your ride is required to be street legal (this includes having minimum state required liablilty insurance). It is also on the Game and Fish website. If the road in vertically signed then you don't.


All ATV's are required to have a RV plate at the very least.


We also all know that at the beginning of the year all quads and a few more types of rides are required to have the new $25 yearly OHV sticker.


This year there is two types of MC street legal quad plate registrations. The first is Option 1 (primarily off road). The fee is around $5. The second is Option 2 (primarily on road). The fee is a lot more based on the value of the ride + a few items. Both require emission testing if your ride is over 5 years old and your County has emission testing.

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hahaha Tim got a ticket!! hahaha. Just kidding buddy. I know how it goes. I got one a little over three years ago. I was passing a garbage truck on Cherry road that was going 10mph under the speed limit. In order to pass him safely, though, I had to go 15 over the speed limit. Wouldn't you know it, the first car coming in oncoming traffic was a DPS officer. I tried to plead my case and said the garbage truck was breaking the law by impeading traffic and I had to go that fast to get around him. He kind of laughed at me and said if I knew breaking the law was the only way to get around him, I should have stayed behind him. I said "yep, you are right" and took my ticket. I am self-employed in the courier business and this ticket was a huge blow. Nothing I could do about it but suck it up.





I am not in law enforcement, but I would be willing to bet that since you have done all the necessary work since you received your ticket, the judge will toss out your fines, or at least reduce them significantly.


As far as the rest of the posts, don't sweat it man. I learned a long time ago when it comes to these boards, everyone is going to post their opinions, whether you like them or not. Getting worked up over it isn't worth it. Heck, I have been called some things that I don't care to repeat and have since made good friends with some of the guys that said those things!! It's just the way it is on the forums, unfortunately.


Good luck to you in court. Like I said, I think you will be fine.


That hurts Blake that really hurts. ;) I was on 89 in the Granite Dells. I hardly ever go through there, but on the day I did there was a bunch of cops on patrol because there were complaints from the road crews that no one was slowing down in the construction zone. My bad.


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Boy what a bunch of boy scouts on this site. It's the law. Follow the rules. All officers are saints. All law breakers need to punished yada yada yada. Why can't John vent a little. Really what would of been wrong with a warning? Why are you guys so penal? Maybe it is because you are also anal. You all know there is two kinds of law enforcement officers, those that enforce the spirit of the law and those that enforce the letter. The former do there job and are a credit to their profession the latter are control freaks who seek out positions of authority to replace some deep seeded psychological problem. They love busting people to feel a sense of power. Maybe they were picked on in middle school or could never satisfy a women or man, not quite sure which, I will let Freud figure it out. If you are a law enforcement officer and you are reading it you know exactly what I am talking about. You probably even have a picture of someone in your mind as you were reading it. Let's be honest most of us would of been mad also if we were treated like John.



P.S. Hey JohnnyB. thanks for taking care of that on the other site. I owe you.

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for what it is worth. I've known jonh over 20 years. the quads he was on were not his as he was borrowing them for his hunt. I talked to him after this happend and for him to be degraded the way he was is a shame. the post he 1st made was to give an FWI to all coues members to make sure to spread the news about the quad laws so you don't have to defend $1500 in tickets and spend a day pleading your case in court. I also agree with the info that is keep on all of us. a simple warning and a check of your name in the system would of been enough . if ever pulled over again and a warning was listed, fine given.


respect goes along way in this world we live in.





I'm sure John is a great guy and I have nothing against him. I just have a different opinion than his thats all. You are right respect does go along way in this world and I've not said one thing to dis-respect him even though he called me several names and tried to pick a fight with me. Respect is a two way street.


Please show me where I degraded him and I'll be happy to make a public apology.

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Wow,one thing positive about these posts is there sure is alot of passion out there.If that could be harnessed ,alot of good for OUR hunting community,thats all of us,could be done in this state.Passion it what most of us have in common,thats why we hunt.Anyway,not comiitted to either or any view ,usually two sides to all situations.I will always appreciate what officers of the law do for us,and there will always be a few bad apples.Just remember,everyone has bad days ,not an excuse,but I know Ive said things as a supervisor that I later said i was sorry for,just all humans here.Oh ,before I forget,no soapbox here ,I sold my quad when all the new regs came out and dont miss it at all.I have rediscovered where my old truck can take me before my old legs kick in.I had forgotton the long walks and the sounds Id missed on the way to where I was going.Not a knock on quads,just became a hassle and that kills the fun.These are long walks into some nasty places,(like 6A to the far pts of west clear creek).Good news is ,this fall when out hunting ,I will know by the sounds where all my brothers on quads are pushing the elk to me :).honestly,we are all members of an awesome community that do have the right to disagree,respect for all is best.Funny thing is I think this was mostly started as an FYI.good luck to all who drew and who are going to draw.

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Thankyou DesertHunter23, I think you hit it right on the nose. Everyone on CWT has more passion than they know what to do with, this topic has proven that. Just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who posted their opinion, no matter what it was.


Just on a side note, my brother and I are going to be starting our scouting next weekend for our rapidly approaching Sept. Archery Bull Elk hunt. Hope to have some pics for you all. Like DesertHunter23 said, good luck to all who drew tags and good luck to everyone in the fall draw.



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I must admit I am not very versed in the laws that go with ATV riding. I think maybe I have relied on word of mouth more than actually reading for myself. I can see where it would be easy to be in violation when you might have thought all was ok. I hope somehow you get out of the tickets, or at least the cost of them. If someone has a link to the rules of the road maybe putting it here would be a help. Maybe even a sticky for future reference?



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I must admit I am not very versed in the laws that go with ATV riding. I think maybe I have relied on word of mouth more than actually reading for myself. I can see where it would be easy to be in violation when you might have thought all was ok. I hope somehow you get out of the tickets, or at least the cost of them. If someone has a link to the rules of the road maybe putting it here would be a help. Maybe even a sticky for future reference?




Great idea, if someone could start a new thread with the rules for legal ohv use Amanda could pin it and everyone would be a step ahead.



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I hate posting to these topics. I read em, take note and move on.


But dang.

Getting pulled over on a quad is starting to sound like an old gistapo movie. Show me your papers!


Got your License? Yes sir.


Registration? yup.


Insurance? ahuh (thinking to myself - I'm friggin 50 miles from anywhere I'd need it! and never ride on paved roads).


How about your State Trust Land Paper work? Yeah, just paid $75 bucks to get it, when it cost $15 last year.


Huntin Licence? Jeez, yep I got that too in my file folder here full of paper work that I keep nice and neat just to show you officers.


Those tires dont look DOT, you sure they're regulation? I dont know, I just bought them. I dont ride on pavement, but I do cross an occasional forest road in between real "off road" trails, which is why I pay all these fees in the first place.


Well your on a real road now, so they need to be DOT. But I"ll be nice and let you go on that, but thats just because your being cooperative.


What you got in that Ice Chest? Some soda's and water. Can I check it out?


Sure go ahead, but why did you pull me over in the first place?


You questioning me boy? Your OHV tag, it isn't clearly visable, kinda dusty, you should keep it more visable. Well I've been driving on dusty roads, I guess that means you can pull me over any time you want.


Is that a gun in the scabbard? Yep, it's registered. Got the registration with you? Um, no... sorry. You should carry that with you, just asking for trouble if you dont have the correct paperwork.


I'm gonna run your license info and check you out just the same.


Sorry, but this it gettin out of control, whether to officer is decent or not (and I've run into mostly decent officers). It's not right a guy just trying to spend a day scouting has to worry about all this stuff when he's not basically breaking any law's in the first place.


To me it's all about the all mighty dollar. How much money can we get from them up front in fee's, and how much can we get from them in the field.


There is no such thing any more as an officer with discression. It's basically been taken away from them, just like the Gistapo had no ability to apply discression.


I guess the reference to Gistapo might put some people off, but it sure borders on getting pulled over asked "show me your papers".

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It's not right a guy just trying to spend a day scouting has to worry about all this stuff when he's not basically breaking any law's in the first place.


Well I guess that depends on whose laws you are refering to now doesn't it? ;)

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Absolutely. Exactly my point.


How ever did we get along without all these new rules and law's? It's amazing the outdoors even still exists.



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