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atv street legal ticket

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GameHauler thankyou for your sincere comments, but for you to think that I believe in my mind that I'm a Bad A$$ based off my Avatar, I am going to believe you were joking. Just because I bring up some valid points that most people either wont say or don't think about, I get judged based off of my Avatar as being a Bad A$$, <_< . Well GameHauler, I must inform you that I am the complete oposite.


I am a father of two, a loving husband, a respected man amongst my peers and devoted outdoorsman who lives his life for the Lord. I chose this profession because I want to defend the ones that needed defending, protect the one that needed protection, and have a career knowing that at the end of a days work, I may have made just enough differnce that maybe my family can live alittle better life.


*This topic seems to be just as bad as politics and religion.*


Once again, I am not wanting to make any bad impressions or ruffle anyones feathers, but I feel it was neccassary to defend a profession that is often misunderstood.


GamHauler and SnapShot, if you would like to speak to me in person or over the phone shoot me a email, I would be glad to shoot the breeze with both of you :) .



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Its funny how people are so quick to bad mouth an officer for doing his or her job. I will bet if someone was being robbed, being assaulted or something worse, that very same person would be calling 911, expecting that same officer to put his or her life on the line, just so you would be ok.


As for people saying the ticket is crap, think about what area your in and what the law is. A Sheriff's Deputy working in 6a probably doesn't have a whole lot of other crimes to deal with besides civil infractions, I.E. (Quads operating illegaly). Rather than bad mouth the officer that gave you a ticket, tell him thankyou for putting his life on the line for you. Remeber he or she is just doing there job, inforcing civil violations that the State of Arizona put in place. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the State of Arizona for creatating the law.


Be thankfull that you still have the ability to go up and ride you quads with your family and freinds, lately some are not so lucky.



PS. Don't let this response fool you, I also disagree that quads should have to submit to Traffic laws on a dirt road.



I am disrespecting the profession. I have been on many ride alongs when I was young and have friends who now are officers. And I do know they have a job to do. But their is a fine line which someone in this line of work may walk. I for sure did nothing out of the ordinary (speeding) reckless driving or anything else but drive down the road. The officer also said in the area over the last year they had given out warnings. I replied that it was new to me which it was and I would comply as soon as I got home. I even offered to park the quads walk back to the truck and bring the trailer up tp pick them up. He said no matter what we said we were getting citations. And I thought that was a total joke. And that officer is an butt. Needless to say we found a similar story back at the store from someone else. I do not have a problem with the law just that I would have done this before we went riding if I had known.


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Its funny how people are so quick to bad mouth an officer for doing his or her job. I will bet if someone was being robbed, being assaulted or something worse, that very same person would be calling 911, expecting that same officer to put his or her life on the line, just so you would be ok.


As for people saying the ticket is crap, think about what area your in and what the law is. A Sheriff's Deputy working in 6a probably doesn't have a whole lot of other crimes to deal with besides civil infractions, I.E. (Quads operating illegaly). Rather than bad mouth the officer that gave you a ticket, tell him thankyou for putting his life on the line for you. Remeber he or she is just doing there job, inforcing civil violations that the State of Arizona put in place. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the State of Arizona for creatating the law.


Be thankfull that you still have the ability to go up and ride you quads with your family and freinds, lately some are not so lucky.



PS. Don't let this response fool you, I also disagree that quads should have to submit to Traffic laws on a dirt road.



I am disrespecting the profession. I have been on many ride alongs when I was young and have friends who now are officers. And I do know they have a job to do. But their is a fine line which someone in this line of work may walk. I for sure did nothing out of the ordinary (speeding) reckless driving or anything else but drive down the road. The officer also said in the area over the last year they had given out warnings. I replied that it was new to me which it was and I would comply as soon as I got home. I even offered to park the quads walk back to the truck and bring the trailer up tp pick them up. He said no matter what we said we were getting citations. And I thought that was a total joke. And that officer is an butt. Needless to say we found a similar story back at the store from someone else. I do not have a problem with the law just that I would have done this before we went riding if I had known.





First let me say that I am sorry that you got those tickets I am very aware of the cost involved if they indeed make you pay the fine. I have bolded two of your statements above, so as to make a point.... First, there are jerks in every profession, but that does not make all the people in the profession bad or the profession itself a bad. You were handed the law by a guy who may be a jerk, or maybe had a bad day, but either way he didn't know you from Adam and can only assume that you are just like the rest of people that he deals with on a day to day basis that plead "ignorance" and hope that it lands them a free-pass.... and repeat the process next time. Now, I am in no way saying that was your intention, but if you did that guy's job for one weekend you might have a new perspective on the "ignorance routine" from the OHV riders. I have owned Wheelers for many/many years and have always understood that if I was not legal and got caught it was going to cost me about $1500.00 in fines, therefore we have been paying insurance and registration all these years and I have never been pulled over.... Knock on Wood! Having had 100% Legal OHV's all these years does not really allow me to be anymore sympathetic than your new friend at the County Sheriff's Office.... I am sorry but "not knowing" is not a defense. Was the guy a jerk for not just give you a warning??? ...well probably, but he also was "just doing his job", either way... warning or ticket. So.... I know you are now pissed at my opinion.... which is not really what I wanted to do but hacking on the the "Profession" because you were ignorant of the law is really just wrong.... :rolleyes: ...and for the record I hope you get out of paying the registration and insurance tickets. ;)

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Its funny how people are so quick to bad mouth an officer for doing his or her job. I will bet if someone was being robbed, being assaulted or something worse, that very same person would be calling 911, expecting that same officer to put his or her life on the line, just so you would be ok.


As for people saying the ticket is crap, think about what area your in and what the law is. A Sheriff's Deputy working in 6a probably doesn't have a whole lot of other crimes to deal with besides civil infractions, I.E. (Quads operating illegaly). Rather than bad mouth the officer that gave you a ticket, tell him thankyou for putting his life on the line for you. Remeber he or she is just doing there job, inforcing civil violations that the State of Arizona put in place. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the State of Arizona for creatating the law.


Be thankfull that you still have the ability to go up and ride you quads with your family and freinds, lately some are not so lucky.



PS. Don't let this response fool you, I also disagree that quads should have to submit to Traffic laws on a dirt road.



I am disrespecting the profession. I have been on many ride alongs when I was young and have friends who now are officers. And I do know they have a job to do. But their is a fine line which someone in this line of work may walk. I for sure did nothing out of the ordinary (speeding) reckless driving or anything else but drive down the road. The officer also said in the area over the last year they had given out warnings. I replied that it was new to me which it was and I would comply as soon as I got home. I even offered to park the quads walk back to the truck and bring the trailer up tp pick them up. He said no matter what we said we were getting citations. And I thought that was a total joke. And that officer is an butt. Needless to say we found a similar story back at the store from someone else. I do not have a problem with the law just that I would have done this before we went riding if I had known.





First let me say that I am sorry that you got those tickets I am very aware of the cost involved if they indeed make you pay the fine. I have bolded two of your statements above, so as to make a point.... First, there are jerks in every profession, but that does not make all the people in the profession bad or the profession itself a bad. You were handed the law by a guy who may be a jerk, or maybe had a bad day, but either way he didn't know you from Adam and can only assume that you are just like the rest of people that he deals with on a day to day basis that plead "ignorance" and hope that it lands them a free-pass.... and repeat the process next time. Now, I am in no way saying that was your intention, but if you did that guy's job for one weekend you might have a new perspective on the "ignorance routine" from the OHV riders. I have owned Wheelers for many/many years and have always understood that if I was not legal and got caught it was going to cost me about $1500.00 in fines, therefore we have been paying insurance and registration all these years and I have never been pulled over.... Knock on Wood! Having had 100% Legal OHV's all these years does not really allow me to be anymore sympathetic than your new friend at the County Sheriff's Office.... I am sorry but "not knowing" is not a defense. Was the guy a jerk for not just give you a warning??? ...well probably, but he also was "just doing his job", either way... warning or ticket. So.... I know you are now pissed at my opinion.... which is not really what I wanted to do but hacking on the the "Profession" because you were ignorant of the law is really just wrong.... :rolleyes: ...and for the record I hope you get out of paying the registration and insurance tickets. ;)

Thanks so do I. I wish for these atv issues for people that DO NOT know or read the az traffic law book and know every detail of every law they had some type of warning system. Give me a warning if I do not comply cite me. Basically I am just hoping I get through this without having to take a day off work and drive up to flag. Which will hurt me just as much as the fines. And by the way, I said the guy was an butt because I am 35 years old and when someone talks to me like I am 7 it really pisses me off. Hopefully you get my drift on that one. And here is the bottom line now I am compliant. Cool. But anyone else that has to go through this it will suck. Hopefully no one that reads this will. Which is why I started the post. Also the funny thing is on my street I have 1 K-9 offficer 1 sheriff and 1 city of phoenix detective. and our neighbors who go to the dunes test their atvs and motorcycles every time up and down the street before a trip. No one cares.

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but your Avatar make me think you are a bad A$$ in your mind :unsure:


Gamehauler: I have enjoyed your posts for many years on this site and have always considered your contributions and opinions on here to be valuable but I must disagree on this one. Not exactly sure why you would draw that conclusion from Ryan's avatar :unsure: but I must come to his defense on this one because you are dead wrong! Ryan is exactly as he said in his reply and anything but a badass! I consider myself very blessed to know Ryan and his family and if you are ever lucky enough to meet him youself you will be amazed at just how completely wrong you are.



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Its funny to me that for years I have been reading about people complaining that we should not have any new laws when it comes to OHV's but just enforce the laws we have. Now that one of the laws that has been on the books for years is enforced we get just as many complaints about the enforcement of the laws. I guess those who enforce or not the laws will always be wrong.


I am sorry if every officer does not treat everyone with respect but every person is different and will take things differently. Hopefully your next encounter with law enforcement will be a more positive one that will gain a little respect and trust back.



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Dang, it's a shame that you might have to have some knowledge about what you're doing for recreation, whether it's boating, hunting, fishing or quading. This is not a brand new law that just came about, warnings have been givin out for some time now. It's just like any other civil citation some times you get a warning and sometimes you don't.


I think that most people who do any kind of recreational sport have an idea of what the laws are in that activity, and if they don't they should. When you go boating, should you get a warning for no life vest, registration or fire extinguisher? Should you get a warning for not having steal shot while duck hunting or fishing without a license just because you have never been warned? Ignorance is not a defense to the law.


Cop's get lied to daily by all kinds of people, they don't know you and don't have a list of everyone who has received a warning for every little infraction. Sometimes you get a warning and sometimes you don't that's the way it goes, you're in violation and should man up to that.


Who was the offeicer? Maybe more people on here have had a run in with him/her. If you have a complaint about how the officer treated you then you should make a report with the Sheriff's office.


I don't agree with a lot of laws but I try to obey them, and keep up to date on new laws regarding things that pertain to me and my activities.




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The way i read this post is that John thought it would have been nice to warned not that he was playing the ignorance game--also, the thing that i read was that the Sheriff was being a jerk to John and that was John's chief complaint.


Now, all of that said, we all have bad days--maybe the Sheriff was having one of those days--they are just people like the rest of us.


I am glad you posted this John--i need to get some things fixed on my quad before i take them back out and your misfortune just may have saved me a bunch of headaches!!


For all of you LE's out there--you chose the job you have--and there should be no thanks needed. We all do our job and that is what makes this world go around.

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Sometimes giving a ticket can be a lot more effective than a warning. In your case I am sure you would have taken the warning as an educational expierience and fixed the problem. But if you only got a warning you would not have made this post. And i am sure you have shared this story with others in your circle of friends and family, effectivly getting the word out that if you are in violation you will be penalized.

Think of all the people you have shared this with because you got a ticket, of those I am sure some of them will now think twice before riding an unlicensed quad etc. while out on improved roads.


If the officer was unprofessional you should file a complaint, not because he gave you a ticket but because of his conduct and attitude.


Good luck

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what we're seeing is a symptom of the really sorry people who represent us politically. napalitano and the dummy state senators and representatives we have, have left this state in extremely poor financial condition. poor, or even lack of, planning has left every state agency broke. spending billions on wastefull projects just because the money was there, not looking at the financial earthquake that was coming with these stupid mortgages that were so popular, a whole host of things that intelligent people could see coming, have left the state devastated for money. so what is the plan? tickets. plain and simple. people who are too stupid to have real jobs get elected to these "burrocrat" jobs, that have no clue how to plan or have any intelligence or foresight let things turn to $h!t and then say well, lets give out tickets. tickets, tickets, tickets. photo radar, photo red light, speed traps, the new off road "fees" (as in tax), they are all just revenue builders and have nothing to do with public safety or environmental safety or any kind of safety. they are to make revenue. yesterday i was listening to the news on the way home and a judge in a suprise court was complaining about the photo radar tickets clogging his court. that particular court is set up to handle 10,000 tickets a year. they are getting 10,000 a month. just one court. 10,000 tickets a month. 120,000 a year. just one court. how many of them are given out in a year statewide? looks like millions to me. the fact that no points are associated with most of them say real loud that is just to raise revenue. out where i live i haven't seen a MCSO cop stop a car for speeding for a couple years. they dealt with crime. now there is a speed trap where the speed limit drops to 35 for no reason and i see the cop giving 3 or 4 tickets a day. that's just what i see in the few minutes i travel that road or am out working in the yard. awhile back the mesa city council was meeting and discussing their revenue shortfall and what to do about it. their answer? more red light cameras. why didn't somebody tell em to quit trying to evict poor sob's from their brake shop and losing millions in the process? oh well, they elected em. stopping speeders and red light runners or folks tearing puttin' around on a quad used to have some public safety intentions involved in it. now it is just $$$$$$$$. it has absolutely nothing to do with public safety or slowing crime. just money. because we let stupid people "lead" us. there is no good reason for Az. to be in the financial shape it is in other than really poor work by elected people. when things are good, everyone looks good. when things are bad, the ones that ain't good, really look bad and they burn the rest of us down in the process. you want good times, elect good people. Lark.

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This is a funny topic! If we were talking about an illegal alien, drunk driver, child abuser, pedaphile, rapist, murderer, terrorist, poacher, trail cam stealing thief, or OJ Simpson everyone would be saying throw the book at 'em. So what's the difference? When a person breaks the law they should pay the price.


I don't get it. It sounds like the LEO did exactly what our tax dollars are paying him to do.


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This is a funny topic! If we were talking about an illegal alien, drunk driver, child abuser, pedaphile, rapist, murderer, terrorist, poacher, trail cam stealing thief, or OJ Simpson everyone would be saying throw the book at 'em. So what's the difference? When a person breaks the law they should pay the price.


I don't get it. It sounds like the LEO did exactly what our tax dollars are paying him to do.



here-here TAM.


It's not like it's a new law. You can bet your bottom dollar that 10 outta 10 folks that sheriff stops know they are breaking the law, and are hoping they wont get caught... or if they do get caught - they are planning to talk their way out of it. That's gotta get old to listen to as an officer of the law. We have camped in areas that have been SO ravaged by jag-offs who think the forest is their playground, dump, litter box, dirt track... I was glad to hear steps were being taken to protect the forest... that enforcement and action has to be paid for through license fees and violations - not warnings.


If I got caught - and I have tried to fly under the radar a few times b4 I got my bikes licensed and insured - I'd take what they gave me, and take it quietly... rather than point out what a weener the sheriff was. I would much more enjoy reading about how someone, for no apparent reason, was were rudely confronted while obeying all the laws and rules... because of the uncalled for treatment the person being mistreated felt obliged to tell the officer to piss-up-a-tree... and there wasnt a darn thing he could do about it.

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Just want to let anyone who is going up north the sheriffs will give you a ticket if you are not street legal and on a maintained road. This joker couldnt even give us a warning. I had the ohv sticker but he asked for registration and insurance. So now i have 1 ticket for each. I know most officers will give a warning but we got an ahole. Hopefully we can get it thrown out since i am spending the weekend putting on horns rearview mirrors and license plate light. Going on late monday to register for street legal plates. I havent wanted to punch someone in the face for a long time. I could have understood if we were driving like idiots or something. Anyway had to rant a little. I have friends that are officers and they said the tickets were a total joke. Just beware even if you are on dirt you can get a ticket.


No complaints here are warranted. The information about the new rules have been out for some time.

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crazy stuff.


Gotta ask what good a license, registration, permit, and insurance do. Probably not worth 10% of what it all costs and the state is keeping some overpaid under worked state workers employed sitting on thier hineys pushing paper, or buttons on the computer!


I think we should remember this quote from Thomas Jefferson:

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty!

Liberty seems to be taking a sabatical under the new monarchy.




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