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27 opening morning gobbler + biglake fish

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Well Thursday evening found me "scouting" my favorite turkey road in unit 27 ( yea shane you know the one, were i called in that double for your daughter 2 years ago) Anyway about 300 yards from were i called in those birds i had a double answer me again about 30 minutes before dark. So i thought this is cool right were i know were they like to be and were i always find them, so i left them and went down the road a little farther and had another bird answer way off down in a canyon, and he was hott, he was double gobbling at me right at dark, he had to of been in his tree already and he was fired up.... the only problem is that there was a truck parked about 3/4 a mile away and i didnt know if they had walked down that canyon and were putting the bird to bed, because i was way up on top above him.... so what to do a single fired up bird with a possible hunter, or 2 not so fired up birds with no-one around...... well the next morning we decided to go ahead and leave the single fired up bird to the other guys ( if they were in fact on him) and we went over toward our other 2 birds, we got about 2 miles from them ( still early and dark) and i told my buddy to pull over there is a little marshy wet spot in a little clearing that birds like to hang out in the day and are always roosted close by ( although i couldnt get one to gobble there the night before.)


so he pulls off and i step out and let things quite down a little and then i make a couple of soft tree yelps and i have 2 birds HAMMER back at me about 250 yards away. so i tell my buddy we are going after these 2 birds and if it doesnt pan out then we can always go up the road and try to get on teh other to a little later. so i grab my deco and my camera, and all my calls and he grabs the gun and off we go in the dark. we made it to about 75 yards and i told him that was close enough we needed to set up, so we got all set up ( with both birds sounding off ever little bit) and let the sky turn from dark to grey, to light. when i felt it was time i started doing some soft treee yelps with my mouth call, then a few minutes latter my box, and then my slate. ( i always like to sound like there is several differnt hens there, just something i like to do, i also like to see what call the particular gobbler i am working likes, and yes some seem to like the box, others the slate ect...) anyay these 2 gobblers would hammer just about everything i would throw at them, we played tag for about 20 minutes, then i heard them fly out, the problem was they pitched AWAY from from us and were now 125 yards away, i was really afraid they would keep on going away from us, i didnt know if they had hens that would lead them away. so i poured it to them, and i got them REALLY fired up with some purrs and high pitched calling, after about 10 minutes of staying on teh back side of the hill they finally couldnt take it any longer and pretty soon the gobbles got louder and lounder. and then FINALLY i saw a white head and whtiet ail feather come over the rise 60 yards away, i called softly and they gobbled, and gobbled, and closed the distance, at about 40 yards they kind of hung up, they were strutting and putting on a show but were kind of hung in that one spot for about 5 minutes or so, i dont think they had seen my deco yet, and i think eventually they would of, they were strutting and careing on, but my buddy had about all he could stand and when they fianlly seprated enough he let the biggest on have it, 37 yards, one shot, bird down. ( he likes my 3 1/2 magnum gun :) now ) 10 1/2 beard very nice mature gobbler, 5:28 a.m. opening morning and we were done.... well now what to do, so we went and cleaned the bird, got the fishing poles and headed over to big lake. the wind had begun to pick up and the lake was choppy and COLD, but the fish were biting and in about an hour and half we had are limit of 12 fish. SO a great opening day once again!


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