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I am thinking that we are going to have a bad year for rattlesnakes, more feed, the mice and rabbits, more snakes. I have a friend that has already killed three on his property this month.

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I would agree w/ you on that one. I would highly recommend snake gators to everyone. Especially this year.

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I think you could let the gator go into any of our now full lakes or streams.

On a serious note I just try to be more aware of where I am putting my feet or hands, I live in the desert and worry more about my kids than anything.

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If you get the gaitors make sure they have the protection on the top of your foot. Most snake bites are on the top of the foot. You can get them for around 50 bucks.


Cabelas is also having a great sale on all there snake boots right now.

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when rattlers bite me they usually just break off their fangs in my hide. the ones that get em in usually die from whatever it is i give em. seriously, i don't think the snakes will be much worse this year than last because of one wet spring. could make an impact on next year. first all them rabbits and rats and stuff have to reproduce to some big numbers and the snakes have to get in gear with them and then reproduce, too. doesn't mean that a guy shouldn't be aware of em tho. nasty stinkin' serpents. i've seen em hurt guys real bad. i'd think that the fact that there will be more weeds and vegitation around your house and out buildings and stuff will add to the danger because it will make more places for snakes to hang out. rattlers won't stay in the sunlight. always in the shade, unless they're moving. it's the ones you startle cleaning up stuff that get ya. a guy always needs to be careful in Az. i dug up a nest of em in december once that coulda got me if they weren't so cold. main thing is always be careful and watch what you're doing. Lark.

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The ones I run into especially around my house usually die for some reason.

Lark, I think you are right about it taking a while for the snakes to catch up to the mice and rabbits, and they are multiplying like crazy, just how long it takes to have a bunch of baby rattlers is what I'm wondering. I have caught two king snakes in my yard and just moved them to a safer place, the rattlers weren't so lucky.

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With this new pup (3 1/2 months old) I am always looking for snakes every time we are out. Everything is so thick on the ground that it is hard to see if there is a snake out there.....Just got to keep a look out for them ;)

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The new snake hatch won't be until the and of summer and into september. They should be bigger this year for sure. I don't have a problem with snakes as long as I see them first. Funny how fast you can move when one stratles you.

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I just use them while prospecting Because while running a metal detector I have on my head phones and I am trying to get up close to the shade and spots under the trees and brush.


I have used them during the august archery hunt. I get so involved in watching the hill side that I have been way to darn close to some mad old snakes.

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