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My kind of Easter eggs

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Got out on Sunday thankfully to a family Easter picnic on Saturday. It worked out great with the weather. Got out Sunday morning to about 1-2" of fresh snow. Talk about bright in the morning sunlight!!! Sheesh! Bailed off a big ridge onto small bench I hadn't been on in a couple years. On my way down I spotted a small white elk shed. As I slid down the muddy slope I didn't even realize there was a brown 4pt elk shed about 6' from it in the shade (some shed hunter I am).




Got out on the small bench below finally and found NOTHING!!! Thought for sure there'd be brown horn laying the brush there somewhere but no! So I wandered off the side into the super thick brush and a few minutes later I found a decent 5pt and immediately recognized it as a bull I'd found 2 sets of on this same set of small ridges I was on. This shed was dropped back in spring '07. I was destined to find the other side and I made pass after pass across the slope in the nasty brush. Topped out on a little lip and immediatly spotted another shed laying points down in a small opening to my right. Took the camera out and took a pic and spotted another antler laying in the brush about 7 yards past this antler.




Here's the one I spotted 2nd




Walked a little closer to it for a photo and saw the match to this one about 3 yards away in some more brush!!!




Now I had 3 sheds in less than 20 yards!!! As I was taking a few pics I glanced down the slope about 7 yards away and could see the top of ANOTHER antler. I instantly realized it was the match to the first shed I'd found about 15-20 minutes before. So now I had 4 sheds in less than 20 yards!!!!! Never in my nearly 20 years of shed hunting have I had that happen before!




So I piled them all up for a few pics, here they all are together.




Sorry for the crop jobs on some of the pics but I gotta protect the places I shed hunt by knocking out the background.


Packed them all up and hauled them out of the canyon then went for another LOOOONG hike. A few hours later I clambered back out and back up to the stash I'd left on top of a ridge. About 100 yards from the top I walked right up on this brown 5pt shed. Glanced above it and the match was about 10 yards up the slope.




Here's the set together. Super long 3rd on the right antler at around 21" but the left antler is about 13".




Here's a quick phone pic of the 3 sets I mentioned above all off the same bull.




All this made for a long day but it was worth it! Found 13 total and brought out 8 back to the truck so it was a rather successful day.




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I was out there from about 8:30 am till 7 that evening. I'm usually out there from daylight to dark.

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Grong, you must be a bone magnet for sure. :P Sweet and thanks for sharing with us. :D



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Great pics and write up Josh! Great way to spend the day....you just can't beat it.



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This will probably sound stupid, but why the interest in shed hunting? What do you do with all the antlers?



You never know what you will find. The next pair you find might be the 100,000 dollar set, who knows.

Like anyone who enjoys any kind of sport, you realize its something you either get or you dont. I tend to enjoy shed hunting much more than watching a bunch of goobers throw a ball around and chase each other on tv for hours on end, but many people would viciously disagree with me. Its all about what you are in to.

Shed antlers tell a story. They can tell you about what kind /how big an animal was in an area . The genetics that are common to the area, and to a large degree the livelihood of the deer/elk in an area.

Check out some of the antler based furniture, crafts and uses on the web. There are hundreds of uses for antlers.

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Nice Sheds looks like a really good day.




This will probably sound stupid, but why the interest in shed hunting? What do you do with all the antlers?


I don't know why but I really like sheds and I really like the challenge of findin horns(it seems a lot easier for some than others as you can see from the pics above.haha). They are all different and they are all neat. I also like just being out in the hills, you get to see all sorts of cool stuff. I keep all of my horns ,I just like watching the pile grow. I agree with AZantlerenthusiatst I think its a better and more productive pasttime than watchin the T.V.


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Git-r-done!!! Nice haul Josh, cool the history you got on that bull. And the big third, I LOVE big thirds!! Good times right there, thanks for sharin ;) What no panorama of the country :lol: Such a nice area I watched you shed hunt all day... :ph34r: HA!

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I meant it as an honest question and wasn't insinuating anything. I was simply curious, that's all.

Thanks for the answers. I've never done it, and it sounds like something that would be fun to do. I just

don't know what I would do with what I found.

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