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our former governor at work

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well, guess what? everyone i associate with are all right wing extremists who are on an official gov't watch list. (i started to say everyone on this sight, but some guys voted for obama) and it's that goofy lookin' guy that was our governor a few weeks ago that writ it. if you even have an nra bumper sticker or anti abortion bumper sticker or christian bumper sticker, you're on the list. if you are anti illegal immigration, you're on the list. if you are a vet home from the war, you're on the list. (wondered how they were gonna vilify the vets, this is it. i knew they would do somethin', cuz vets are bad. according to the new obama dc) heck, if your kid is a boy scout, you're probly on it. read this whole thing. make sure and click on the link to the missouri highway patrol study, that was funded by janet and her buddies. basically, if you're a recently returned vet, someone who believes in the constitution, believes babies have rights, belong to the NRA, believe that laws should be enforced, all of em, don't think illegals should get a free pass, go to whatever church you want or have an opinion contrary to hussein obama, you're someone they need to watch. big brother janet is like the big eye in mordor i guess. spooky. this is gonna be even worse than i ever imagined. and i am one smart dude. dang, maybe texas is right, time to secede. Lark.





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HOLY CRAP :o :o :o antiabortion, anti-illegal immigrants, are radical christian idealogies god help us all I now feel I am in the minority....

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I may not be as smart as Lark, but isnt this profiling? And isnt profiling bad?

So the guy in a turban with hunks of C4 taped to his shoe shouldnt be stopped at the airport, but the Sunday school teacher with a "choose life" bumper sticker on her American made SUV, whose husband just got back from his 3rd tour in Afghanistan should be on a terrorist watch list?


Excuse me but WTF is wrong here!

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ya hafta remember that if you're straight, male, conservative, christian, law abiding oh yeah, and white, or any of the things on the list, you can't be discriminated against. anything is fair. if you are the opposite of these things then everything is off limits and could be seen as insulting. geet used to it. this is the change that hussein's guys voted in. the stuff about putting vets on the watch list just really grates my guts. there is no common sense left. it ain't gonna be long until they start kickin' doors. Lark.

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hello - what do you think that so called - home invasion exercise in Iowa was all about - NATIONAL GUARD training to locate weapons of known /suspected arms dealers - Right - they coulda accompished the same thing on any military base housing ! OH no - i hear the footssteps of guestapo police/militants already-- Gary

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How come it's ok for Nappy to accuse Sherrif Joe of racial profliing while enforcing immigration laws, but it's not racial profiling when the Government starts putting together "Watch Lists" for specific groups or religious beliefs and suggests that these people "may" at some point become law breakers.


The system is wacked out!

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This morning CNN radio had a different take on this report. Instead of saying "may become" They reported that extreme right wing militia groups ARE recruiting vets. And that the rise in popularity of these groups was due mainly in part because of the race of the President.


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what obama and his lackies are doing is creating a crisis. they've already done away with "terrorism". they won't even use the word. changed it to some other term that's more politically correct. unless it has to do with American citizens, especially if you're a returning vet. then you're a potential domestic terrorist. they need a smoke screen to cover up other plans, like making every criminal illegal alien a citizen, negotiating with iran, taking over private business, making criminals out of law abiding citizens who have a different opinion, just by issuing a memo, etc. this is just the start. with this memo they've given the greenlight to any police force that wants to use it. i've been buying reloading supplies and ammo like crazy. imagine what they headline would be if they invaded my home? or yours. you can expect this to get hotter and hotter, weekly. i see nappy has already decided he doesn't want anything to do with border control and has appointed a "border czar" so he can do things like keep tabs on anyone who likes to be free. all you obama voters need to slug yourself right in the mouth, every morning. Lark.

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all you obama voters need to slug yourself right in the mouth, every morning. Lark.


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all you obama voters need to slug yourself right in the mouth, every morning. Lark.



I'll drink to that!! <_<




For the life of me, I just can't figure out how or why or when the Meat and Potato/Backbone of this country became the "one's to watch"????


Jeff you said it!!!! WTF!!! :angry:

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The bloated liberal government and politicians know that when they have more of your money, you are feeding them what they need to remain in power. The country has reached the point where less than half of the people are paying for in taxes to support more than half of the people on the handout list. Keep 50% of the people on the handouts and none of them will vote against you. Wealth envy rather than personal ambition is the cry echoed from the so called leaders. They spin the truth to something that will insight their followers and anyone that speaks against it is called racist, or greedy.


I get sick thinking about it but we are here! I can now see a day in the future that the US may split into several factions to get away from this backwards depend on government thinking. The guys in TX have the right idea and the heartland is where I want to be if and when it happens.


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There was a report on the news out of Phoenix the other day, they busted into a house and found 50 guns on site. That was pretty damaging information according to the report....


I probably only really have 30 guns, half of them handed down from family, the other half used on a fairly regular basis for hunting and shooting events of various kinds.


But....if they were to bust my door down and search my house I suppose I would be automatically thrown in jail for some conspiracy charge.


Course, I am against illegals being here illegally, I do thump on a bible now and again and I am white and married and I have a job and I do pay taxes, so the red flags are flapping in the wind.


Actually, it is a beautiful day today with no wind ......yet.............

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i sent mr napalitano an email and asked to be #1 on the list, seein' as how i meet the requirements. i also thanked her for leaving Az. not for leaving in the crap pile she did, just for leaving. Lark.

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Jan "It" Nappy is scarey liberal and going right along with the socialist manifesto.


To move a capitalist society to socialism and then communism, the first step is to create a crisis. In the event a crisis comes along, you can also capitalize on it. The bigger the better!


Next step is to blow the crisis out of proportion, using propaganda and media and teach it to the public in schools and training seminars


After the problem is deemed so big that it is unsolvable or life threatening, offer a solution using the same propaganda and media sources now deemed as credible for alerting and education everyone about the crisis. The solution must me BIG. So Big that no one or population can manage it. In Steps Government!


Finally, using the newly indoctrinated lemming followers, create a demand from the people using the proaganda medial that government solve the problem and save the public no matter what the cost.


Let's see.

Global warming errr strike that... Now it is Climate change cause the warming stopped.


Financial system collapse - Creates "need" for Bailouts, Bank and Public company takeovers.


Probably a lot more of these but you get the idea I hope.


Like the major Democrats say, never let a good crisis go to waste. Rahm Emanuel, Hillary, Chuckie Schumer...

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Lark let me know if you hear back from the former Gov., she has never responded to me.



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