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Coues 'n' Sheep

Holy Siderack, Part 2!!!

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Last fall my Bro-in-law found this coues shed while out scouting a new unit. It is actually a Giant fork w/ eye guards and an extra tine coming off of the G2.... and the G2 is almost even with the end of the beam!! :blink: We will call him Zeus for he carried a mighty Trident!!!! :D Now I just need him to go figure out how ground check this God of Bucks or his sons!!!!







It scores 57 6/8" and as you can see the 16 4/8" beam has the end chewed off.



Monster sideracks being found all around me!!! :blink: When will it be my turn???? :unsure: :rolleyes:

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:blink: :ph34r: :ph34r: Thats crazy. I wonder what the H-3 measurement is, if you scored him as a 3. is the 57 score a 2pt score with extra tine added in?

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I've always liked the side racks. I killed one about, gebus, 10 years ago. But when I went to have it officially scored they had to score it as a non typical because the G3 was considered the main beam cause the main vein ran down this tine. Which made what looked like the main beam a huge drop tine. This was scored by John Doyle (RIP). Not that it really mattered to me, but for those that want a book buck, be careful on how these cool bucks score. Id shoot it!!!! HAHA

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I'd have to say you can't do the h3 between the extra tines; it looks like one point erupting from the beam, so you'd have to do 2 out on the end... Who cares though!!??

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I'm going to officialy score that one right at.............OFF the freakin character charts ;) !!! Monster horn, thanks for sharin!

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  youngbuck said:
:blink: :ph34r: :ph34r: Thats crazy. I wonder what the H-3 measurement is, if you scored him as a 3. is the 57 score a 2pt score with extra tine added in?



Easy boys..... :rolleyes: ;) It is scored as a 2 pt..... meaning the mass measurements are taken at the Quarters. ;) It ain't my first time.... :P ;) ...this one was easy to score..... It has 4 pts but is scored like a Fork...... and still gets 57 6/8! ;)


Thanks for the responses! This buck was over 120" and when you hold it in your hands it is a No Brainer!! :blink:

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The pic's make it look smaller! That's one you've really got to hold to appreciate.

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  TAM said:
The pic's make it look smaller! That's one you've really got to hold to appreciate.



I agree, Tim! I can't figure out how to make sheds look as big as they are when I take pics.... :( I figured you would chime in and point that out.... the horn is a beast! I had to put a good tape on it this morning since my Bro-in-law wanted it back. I am glad it was here when you stopped by the other day and I have not heard anything about your Muzzy... yet. ;) When you get you gun back I'll try to have Colton's big siderack with me. ;)

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  Coues 'n' Sheep said:
  TAM said:
The pic's make it look smaller! That's one you've really got to hold to appreciate.



I agree, Tim! I can't figure out how to make sheds look as big as they are when I take pics.... :( I figured you would chime in and point that out.... the horn is a beast! I had to put a good tape on it this morning since my Bro-in-law wanted it back. I am glad it was here when you stopped by the other day and I have not heard anything about your Muzzy... yet. ;) When you get you gun back I'll try to have Colton's big siderack with me. ;)

Can't imagine those pictures aren't doing it justice. Looks like a friggin giant to me; look at it compared to the Coke can!!! But I have a fetish for big 2 points anyways ;)

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Very nice Coues 'n' Sheep. Someday I'll work my way south and look for coues' sheds.



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