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Article on hunting decline

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Intersting article. CA drop is surprising on one hand, but on the other... the real problem there is the lack of public land. The CA hunters have been migrating to other states to hunt as it is cheaper and easier in many cases. 10,000.00 to hunt duck for a season tells you tghat deer would be probably 50k or more. chaper to fly to Canada, or drive to AZ, UT CO, and then not as many PETA jerks either.

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It makes you wonder if too many people are trying to hunt other states, I think there are people out there that might put in for an out of state hunt and if they don't get drawn they don't hunt, or these people are putting in to hunt in these western states and take tags away from residents, I know quite a few people in AZ that put in for hunts, but they check the box that says I only want a license if I am drawn, I buy a license every year because I hunt archery, plus dove, quail, and whatever else I can, I just don't think the casual hunter does that. I just wonder if those are the same people that are not taking their kids. I personally will take my kids hunting and that will be my number one priority, but chances are they will be putting in with me anyway. I think CA is on the decline for the reasons you mentioned az4life, but also it seems that the majority is against hunting or it might just be the loud minority, whatever the reasons we have to stick up for our rights to hunt.

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I think CA is on the decline for the reasons you mentioned az4life, but also it seems that the majority is against hunting or it might just be the loud minority, whatever the reasons we have to stick up for our rights to hunt.

CA is leading the way in private lands making hunting very hard and very expensive. Again, if you are a land owner, or wealthy enough to pop 10k for a deer hunt, no sweat. Most hunters do not fit that category I would guess. At least today... give it a few more years and maybe that will be the standard. Beginning of the end...

My Brother-in-law moved to Wyoming from CA about 10 yrs ago. Wyo has so much private land and more every year it is getting more difficult for a average guy to find a place to hunt anything but lopes. (lopes are mostly considered pests so everyone wants them shot off their land. Utah is already getting that way too.

Feeling the squeeze all around us. AZ has lots of good public land so it's easy to see we are still a popular choice for NR and residents.

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