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life is good

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called the recording about a thousand times finally got through. It happens that I drew a unit 21 quail tag and a unlimited season unit for largemouth bass and crappie statewide!

This is the game we play ladies and gentleman sometimes it sucks other times it great. we need to make the best out of it even though we didn't strike the motherload for that bull tag. arizona is such a great state that even if we didn't get drawn we have a lot of other activities that we can do.

congrats to those who will be hunting in the early season. you can also kiss my butt :lol: just kidding good luck

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Too bad work doesnt let you get out and play.



Get some time off in the late summer/early fall so we can go scout some bucks and shoot some more bob cats! We can take my truck next time, so we dont bottom out on every thing!

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that sounds good casey well hit it up. I don't mean the bottom of the blue truck. bobcats coyotes some lg mouth bass plenty of beer. we have something to celebrate.

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I must agree but I'm still pouting like I was three again and didn't get my toy!



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The cool thing about these internet boards is I have a whole lot my hunting friends, than I did 4 or 5 years ago. I didn't draw an elk or lope tag this year, but some friends did. So I can get out with them even if I don't have my own tag.

I am also running fall turkey or bear thru my head right now. It really depends on if another friend of mine drew an elk tag. I will probably spend as much time in the woods as I have in the past couple of years, Take Care, JLG.

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I agree Ultra,


life IS good!!!

I agree life is good I woke at 0400 hooked the boat to the truck picked up dad and went to rosey for some bass and crappie, we saw 3 nice muley bucks on the drive up there and we even caught some fish.

life is good.

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