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Eastern equivalency scores (to Coues)

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Here in Oklahoma, my peers think it is a travesty for someone to want to travel to NM or AZ to try their luck at a "tiny" wt. In fact, I personally believe that to the average deer hunter (east of NM) would question..."why?"

A fair size eastern, as anyone knows (rack size), would score very high as a coues. Well anyway, I was wanting to put in perspective to these guys what an "apples to apples" comparison would be, numbers wise....according to p&y and b&c minimums. (This may be common knowledge to everyone on the planet, but I had never sat down and figured out the equivalency spread)


For typical scores, easterns and coues are separated by 60 points.


Ex. 75 typ.coues=135 typ. eastern 120 typ. coues=180 typ. eastern




For non-typical scores, easterns and coues are separated by 75 points


Ex. 105 nt coues =180 nt eastern 150 nt coues =225 nt eastern

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Thanks for the calculations. Interesting to look at.


If anyone wants to see some monster Northern whitetail, Bass Pro has a display at the outdoor expo that is being held March 11-13 at westworld in Scottsdale. I was there yesterday and saw some pretty amazing bucks.



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yup, it's a travesty. like the song says, "you're the reason God made oklahoma". it's like i keep tellin' my buddy from durant, gotta have some place to keep all them okies. shiras, coues deer and oklahoma whitetail are about as similar as clydsdales and shetlands. as far as the hunt, coues will kick an eastern whitetail hunters butt. they live in some real rough country and are real spooky. there ain't enough space or time to 'splain to anyone who thinks it's a "travesty" why they're cool to hunt. Lark.

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Indeed tough. In 5 days of hunting last year in (unit 23NM Nov 10- 14) I saw 2 does. Tons of carp. UGHHHHHHH. Tough is an understatement. Im not sure if unit 23 if unusually rough and rugged terrain but it ALMOST kicked my butt, almost.

The ability to sit still, get comfortable, and glass sounds sounds so easy....boy was I ill prepared. Oh well, Im not givin' up. -Ronnie

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