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mormons and big love

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Jeez, IHunt2Live, where ever did you find that little gem? That's one of the most astonishing paragraphs I've ever seen.


Scottboy's just looking for a fight. You Mormon boys did a fine job of not taking the bait.

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I was going to stay out of this but I have a question, I do not know about the mormon faith, with this question and many of you responding have stated very truthful facts about your faith and mormonism. I'm trying to understand a little more.


does the mormon faith believe that Jesus, the holy spirit and God are one?

is the only way to heaven to confess your sins, believe with your heart that Jesus was born of a virgin, died for our sins and now sits at the right hand of God?


thanks in advance



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Guest 300ultramag.

To reply to this post would be a waste of resources.

Ill humor yall!






"Whos better footsteps to follow in then JC himself......"Meet the Parents".





"Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back". Joe Dirt

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I was going to stay out of this but I have a question, I do not know about the mormon faith, with this question and many of you responding have stated very truthful facts about your faith and mormonism. I'm trying to understand a little more.


does the mormon faith believe that Jesus, the holy spirit and God are one?

is the only way to heaven to confess your sins, believe with your heart that Jesus was born of a virgin, died for our sins and now sits at the right hand of God?


thanks in advance




I hope no one thinks I'm being preachy or anything, just trying to have an adult conversations and awsering some questions.

We believe that God the father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three distinct beings. few References (Acts 7:55, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Mathew 3:16-17)

We also believe that you must confess your sins, be baptized but you must also “endure to the end”. few references(Mathew 16:27, Romans 1:18)


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This post freaking reeks!

This topic does not belong here on this forum.

It didn't really even stay on course.


No one is looking for a fight. If Scotty wanted one, you would have recieved a PM.

I re-read all his posts and he specifically says he means no disrespect, yet as Mr Jonathan

points out, the gang goes after him.


There are a lot of high and mighty people on this site and I don't care if anyone thinks they are better than everyone else. To each their own. If there is one thing that can keep good people apart, it's different religious beliefs.


That show "Big love" just documents a real life scenario that, guess what, a ton of people think is the mormon way. Doesn't mean it is but that show isn't helping is it? Lets talk about the good catholic priests that everyone assumes are child molesters too! How about the good muslims that a lot of people think are terrorists!


I think these posts do more damage to the way people see mormons than that show ever could.

This is the WWW, not everyone will agree with you, that's the way it is.


If there is one thing that can keep good people apart, it's different religious beliefs.


Hope it doesn't happen here.





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Scottboy's just looking for a fight. You Mormon boys did a fine job of not taking the bait.


You have GOT to be kidding me!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: As it has already been stated, the bait was in the original post.. If anyone took the bait, I'm guilty as charged.


But enough of this "fight" starting.. Let's get back to the original origins of this thread. The thread started by the original poster who took it upon himself to "inform" us non-mormons that the show Big Love is not a truthful depiction of actual mormon practices. Correct? No one made him post that. And once that was out there, I, along with many others, replied. No one in any post was "trying to start a fight" or to degrade anyone's personal beliefs. He (the original poster) even directed the original post TO us non mormons, in an effort to try and educate us as to the "real" LDS and the FLDS, etc... Go back and read it!! But the truth is, as Mr. Jonathan elloquintly backed up with cold hard FACTS, is that polygamy IS in fact a part of the (recent) history of the religion. Am I right? And there are branches of that very same religion that STILL practice the original teachings of the LDS religion!! AND THAT IS WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT, PEOPLE!!

It seems to me that polygamy is one of many dirty little skeletons in the closet of the LDS religion. And if you are to bring it up, man, watch out!! You guys get ANGRY!!

But hey, it was a mormon who brought it up in the first place, guys!! We didn't ask for a history leasson from him! He took it upon himself to put it out there so we all knew that the show was "wrong".. And then the ganging up began in ernest..

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Matthew 22:29

Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.


Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."


John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.



Matthew 7:14

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.



Father God,

Thank you for Your Truth. Thank You for not leaving us with nothing but to conjure up our own religions, but instead leaving us historical, researchable, and believable evidence of your fingerprints on, and Your love for mankind. Thank You for Your Son, who is the Truth, the Way, and the Life - You know we need His saving grace. Help us to see who You are, and how You would have us live. Give us a hunger to search Your Word, and to base our lifes on these truths. Help us to understand that man made religions require that we DO things to earn our way to you when earning our way to heaven is impossible. Please reveal to us that the 'work' has already been done by Jesus on the cross and that we need only accept it. Thank You for the reality of a faith so simplistic that children can grasp it.

Help us to be respectful, yet never compromising, on something so important that You created the heavens and the earth for the sorting of souls - for the ones who can accept your gift with the heart of a child will live and reign with You forever and ever.

You alone are, AWESOME!!!!!




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This isn't the only site for holy wars, if you really want to see some crazy posts go to http://www.eacourier.com/top_talk/ this is the local paper for Safford Arizona where the new Morman temple is being built. The original posts got so big, and ugly that with I think well over 1000 posts that the paper finially removed it. This topic is something people will always respond to no matter what religion, as I feel people are just curious to all the rumors you always hear about the Morman religion


Good luck on draw, oh yea I am not Morman, but I watch Big Love from time to time and I think it is hilarious.....

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And as we debate our lord sits and shakes his head in sadness and disgust for his children who are Christian argue about religion and forget that there is but one God.

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Matthew 22:29

Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.


Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."


John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.



Matthew 7:14

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.



Father God,

Thank you for Your Truth. Thank You for not leaving us with nothing but to conjure up our own religions, but instead leaving us historical, researchable, and believable evidence of your fingerprints on, and Your love for mankind. Thank You for Your Son, who is the Truth, the Way, and the Life - You know we need His saving grace. Help us to see who You are, and how You would have us live. Give us a hunger to search Your Word, and to base our lifes on these truths. Help us to understand that man made religions require that we DO things to earn our way to you when earning our way to heaven is impossible. Please reveal to us that the 'work' has already been done by Jesus on the cross and that we need only accept it. Thank You for the reality of a faith so simplistic that children can grasp it.

Help us to be respectful, yet never compromising, on something so important that You created the heavens and the earth for the sorting of souls - for the ones who can accept your gift with the heart of a child will live and reign with You forever and ever.

You alone are, AWESOME!!!!!





and thank you brother <>< !!!!!!


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